What is Moorish lawn and what it differs from the usual


    Good afternoon, my reader. If you are tired of an ordinary lawn, try to sow Moorish. What is his feature and why is it so called?

    What is Moorish lawn and what it differs from the usual 13389_1
    What is a Mauritan lawn and what it is different from ordinary nelya

    Irises as part of the Moorish lawn (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In the distant 7th and 8th centuries, Maurus dominated in Spain and North Africa. They brought their customs captured countries to the culture and life. For example, next to their homes they have been made to build lawns consisting of various herbs and flowers. Such a lawn was pleased with the eye by the violence of paints and reminded the multicolored carpet. Europeans began to call him Moorish.

    What is Moorish lawn and what it differs from the usual 13389_2
    What is a Mauritan lawn and what it is different from ordinary nelya

    Narcissus and Tulips (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Unlike the usual lawn, it consists not only of cereal, but also from several types of flowers, annual and perennials. Typically, the plants are selected so that they bloom at different times. This allows the lawn to be in the colors of the whole season, and its appearance will be constantly changed.

    The lawn of this species should consist of approximately 70-90% of cereals and herbs and 10-30% of annual or perennial colors. Trading facilities offer ready-made mixes for Mauritan lawns. But you can cook it and independently.

    Of the grasses, it is best to choose Timofeevka meadow, a winter, sinuous, sinuous, red oatmeal.

    What is Moorish lawn and what it differs from the usual 13389_3
    What is a Mauritan lawn and what it is different from ordinary nelya

    Calendula (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The most suitable annuals are the velvets, calendula, bells, lion zev.

    From the perennials, such flowers as lavender narrow-on, Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Lupine, Pijma are well taken.

    What is Moorish lawn and what it differs from the usual 13389_4
    What is a Mauritan lawn and what it is different from ordinary nelya

    Pijma (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    And from the bulbous - iris, crocuses, muskari, daffodils, decorative onions.

    The Moorish lawn is better than usual, and something is inferior to him.

    • It is cut 1 or 2 times the season. Chat terms depend on the type of colors that you planted. The first lesions on lawns, where there are annual plants, is carried out in the spring, while the flowers have not yet risen, and the second in September or in October, when herbs and flowers mature and throw out seeds. If you have bully flowers, then the first defects do after they dried the leaves so that the bulbs are able to gain strength.
    • He self-promptly, as it partly consists of perennial herbs and flowers, and annual, as a rule, mature and then sighted themselves. Compacts formed due to frosts or for other reasons can always be seeded with new plants.
    • It grows well even on the poorest soils.
    • The most important plus is decorative. We can create a monochrome carpet from the colors of different types, but the same coloring, and we can use many plants of various shades, and we will have a motley meadow.
    • You will not play badminton on it or other moving games, as the flowers are very poorly tolerant in the difference from the lawn grass.
    • Many flowers are honeycomb and therefore attract the bees, OS and other insects, next to which relaxing is very problematic due to possible ulus.

    • Prepare the soil. Namely, to dwell it to a depth of 25-39 cm and remove all weeds.
    • Very poor soil can be fertilized by nitroposka.
    • Mix the cereals and seeds of flowers with sand and sow them.
    • Close up with rakes and slightly walk the roller so that the seeds did not take away the winds.
    • Cover the agricultural to the appearance of germs.

    The Moorish lawn looks very natural, it seems that this is not the creation of the hands of a person, but just a piece of natural meadow. Looking at him, you can forget about problems, finding that harmony with nature, which we lack so in the stone jungle of the city.

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