Kazakh politician Alikhan Budyukhanov was born

Kazakh politician Alikhan Budyukhanov was born 13368_1
Kazakh politician Alikhan Budyukhanov was born

Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Budyukhanov was born on March 5, 1866 in Aulu No. 7 of the Tokraunsk volost Karkaralin district of the Semipalatinsk region. Today it is the territory of the Aktogai district of the Karaganda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Alikhan's father belonged to the class of Torah - descendants of Genghis Khan.

After graduating from a three-year Russian-Kazakh school, buguyhanov from 1886 to 1890. He studied in the Omsk Technical School, and then from 1890 to 1894. - At the Economic Faculty of St. Petersburg Imperial Forest Institute. Having received an education, he taught mathematics in the Omsk agricultural school, and then until 1905 served as an official of Omsky migrating management. Being a connoisseur of Creativity Abay, in 1905 the Budyukhanov writes a necrologist for his death.

During the revolution of 1905-1907. Bouwlyanov actively participated in the political life of the native land. So, becoming a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets), he was elected a deputy in the State Duma in the Semipalatinsky district and participated in the preparation of the Vyborg appeal, condemning its dissolution. The newspapers began to appear his articles with criticism of the autocracy and activities of local officials. For the organization of educational activities among the Kazakhs of Budgeehanov began to publish the Kazakh newspaper - the first in the history of Kazakhstan, a nationwide periodic edition.

After the February Revolution of 1917, Alikhan Budyukhanov came out of the Cadet Party. In July of the same year, at the I Moschasha Kurultai (Congress), the Alash batch was formed, and on the December II Muskazakh congress was announced on the creation of Alash autonomy (Alash Horde). The government of the autonomy, as well as the party "Alash", headed the books.

During the Civil War, Alash Orda conducted a lava policy between the "red" and "white". Saladiv links with the head of the Soviet state V.I. Lenin and People's Commissar of Nationalities I.V. Stalin, the bucheukhanov went on an agreement with the Bolsheviks with the preservation of the autonomy of Kazakhstan, after which he was departed from the policy of politics. In 1922, he moved to Moscow, where for 15 years he was engaged in literary and research activities, studying the Kazakh folklore.

During the "Big Terror" Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich Budyukhanov was arrested and concluded in the Butyrs prison. On September 27, 1937, he was convicted by the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR for "counter-revolutionary activities" and on the same day shot. In 1993, the Budyukhanov was posthumously rehabilitated.

Source: http://semeylib.kz.

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