For hitting the inspector after trying to hide from the Silovikov Minskhanin given 4 years old colonies

For hitting the inspector after trying to hide from the Silovikov Minskhanin given 4 years old colonies 13341_1
For hitting the inspector after trying to hide from the Silovikov Minskhanin given 4 years old colonies 13341_2

The court of the factory district of the city of Minsk voiced the decision on the criminal case of resisting an employee of the ATS in the fulfillment of their responsibilities for the protection of public order associated with the use of violence. We are talking about pursuit at Dzerzhinsky Ave. on the day of the inauguration, which began after Volkswagen came first at the overlap of the security forces, after several dozen people in the form began to beat the car with batons, and then the driver left the environment. The chase ended on the inspector.

Chronology of that evening

"The car first cut a passenger bus, and then blocked the movement in the area of ​​Dzerzhinsky Prospect - ul. Shchors, "said Onliner in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the next day after what happened. - In connection with these violations, two crew of the traffic police persecuted. " This situation is not noticeable to the video, but it can be clearly seen: Volkswagen hit the blocks of avenue overlapped by minibuses. Several dozen security workers began to surround cars. Volkswagen tried to leave, but the road was blocked by minibuses. The security forces rushed to this car. The driver made a police reversal and stopped, Volkswagen began to beat the batons. At least two people pulled out cars. After that, the wagon left the environment on the oncoming lane.

"The driver decided to hide and drove into the yard territory of one of the houses along the Razinskaya Street in Minsk," described their vision of the situation in the CX. - Employees of the traffic police proceeded. When the inspector came out of the service car and headed for the violator, he began movement with a reverse door with an open door. As a result, the accused hit the police officer and damaged service transport. " There is a video and this situation. When viewing the roller, it is worth paying special attention to the 24th second: it is clearly seen how the inspector ran to the moving reverse machine and why the driver's door Volkswagen was opened, because of the impact of which there were serious consequences. Investigators reported, the video is discussed and adopted to the materials of the criminal case.

"The driver is committed to evaluate from the proceedings and hide," SC comes to this conclusion. - According to the results of the investigation, the man was charged under Part 2 of Art. 363 (Resistance to the ODD employee, associated with the use of violence) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. A preventive measure was applied to it in the form of detention. " The Ministry of Internal Affairs reported, the affected employee needed hospitalization due to leg injury.

What was voiced in court

The progress of the meeting is reported by the accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Vyasna".

The court of the factory district of Minsk in the person of Judge Gennady Yankovsky on February 25 began consideration of the criminal case under part 2 of Article 363 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus in relation to the 37-year-old engineer-builder Alexei Sterlikova. The accused guilty does not recognize (or rather, as he put it, recognizes it in terms of 1 of this article - that is, "resistance without intenting the use of violence"). The victim is recognized as inspector of the traffic police Maxim Zavadsky. In Zavadsky, the uniform uniforms were damaged and there was a bruise on his shoulder, a few oxadin. During the court hearing, he noted that he had also a torn bunch on his leg after this incident. He lay a day in the hospital, and then went to the hospital leaf. During the trial, he filed a civil lawsuit on the material compensation for moral damage of 20,000 rubles. The amount of such a victim sum explained as follows: "My life is invalid."

Alexey Sterlikov did not agree with such a claim: "I admit that the victim can claim a lawsuit, but within reasonable limits."

Inspector: "That day the team (except Zavadsky, there were Ivashchuk and Vanyanko, the onboard number of the service car - 708) received a message that car traffic was blocked on Dzerzhinsky Avenue. Upon arrival, they saw there: people surrounded Volkswagen in camouflage. The driver unfolded and began to go through the oncoming lane. The team together with another carriage of the traffic police (under the leadership of the Sharch employee, the side number 703) began to pursue him. The driver did not obey, increased the speed and tried to escape from the chase. He was detained on Razinskaya Street - at some point Volkswagen tried with reverse, counting seconds - and hitting. Driving and was Sterlikov, in the car was with his wife Tatiana. "

VOLKSWAGEN driver wife: "They celebrated a small family holiday in a billiard club. Returning through the Avenue of Dzerzhinsky home, got into traffic. Several white bees blocked all road stripes. Some people fled with batons in their hands. I saw that behind us already two cars beaten. And then - they shot down our side windows. We tried. Punch flew in the windshield. Stopped. Our car began to beat a large number of people. Their quantity increased (there were people 30). Glass flew in the face, eyes. Peripheral vision saw that her husband beat. The benefit we were not fastened - and therefore we could not get. They moved, but where they drove, it was not clear: the windshield was completely white from damage, tried to remove his sneakers, where the glass fragment pleased. There was no side glasses from the car.

Before the detention of some man in black sent a gun on me, accompanying it with a rough obscene brave. I answered that I do not resist. At this point, the husband was already beaten (they beat him and during the maneuver with the reverse of the car). I was laid on the ground. And the husband since then is in custody. "

Tatiana argued that after the Sterlikov family had occurred with the victims of Zavadsky, to ask his health, brought apologies. However, he decided to act through the court.

Complemented. Testimony of witnesses

Inspector Evgeny Kovalchuk: "That night was delayed Sterlikova. Even on the Avenue of the Dzerzhinsky crew of the traffic police, he decided to pursue Sterlikova, as he moved on a broken car on the oncoming lane. " When detention, as Kovalchuk noted, Sterlikova did not insult, did not humiliate, they did not apply strikes.

- What procedurally regulated was the detention of Sterlikova? - asked Kovalchuk to lawyer Sterlikova.

- I have to answer this? The windows were broken.

- This is not a procedural goal.

Dmitry Starostov - one of two people who sat in Volkswagen to drive up to the station: "Sterlikov's car stood up in a stroke on Dzerzhinsky Avenue. There were some incomprehensible white minibuses. A bunch of people in black ran to us. Began to beat the car. At the moment when they broke the car, I was pulled out and beaten. The week was noisy in my head, did not hear the ear. Sterlikovy from cars could not be pulled out. I got to the bus, and then gave 13 days of arrest. In the city of Zhodino, the city of Zhodino, where they sent, I addressed medical help. "

Among the written materials of the case were the protocols describing the video from the media - about the moment of attacks by the security forces on the Sterlikova car, video from the recorders and breast chambers of the Watch, describing the moment of detention Sterlikova, as well as the audio part of the conversations from the chamber in the IVS to Obsesship, where it was placed when it was placed Detention. There, a man discussed his detention with the models. Olga Dindylevich, among other things, the wording was read by the statement "in Belarusian language there is a discussion of political information."

Sterlikova's defense at the court session noted that the state prosecutor was very selectively read out the protocols describing the video. The next day, video and audio, presented among physical evidence on the disks, were viewed. Among them are a record from the breast chamber of the Inspector of the Sharochi, who also took part in the detention of Sterlikova. On the video, which was attended by obscene break, and the moment of the strike of Sterlikova Vaskaya car was also hit.

Alexey Sterlikov himself stressed that the video clearly heard, as he himself says: "I do not resist." He also stated that the Sharch inspector previously gave false testimony, because he said that he was delayed silently and not insulting.

"In terms of insults, it needs to be considered in another process, and here we consider completely different events," answered this state printector and added that the prayer, giving testimony at the court, did not remember much.

"If we take an audio recording of the trial, then [Schrookh at the court] said that he did not insult me, but if he was arrested, no one beat me," said Alexey Sterlikov. - I said: I do not resist, why do you beat me? They beat, and then they say: do not beat, do not beat, people look at us. "

"" Do not beat, do not beat, people look at us "- this does not mean that the violence has been applied," said Jankovsky's judge.

The DVR itself was not primary: he said that when he left the car immediately before the detention of Sterlikova, took it off. The defense paid attention that earlier Zavadsky said that the DVR was with him, was included and worked.

In addition, in the case file, there is an entry from the Dosor DVR from one of the police officers who delivered Sterlikov to the police department. There he passed the test for the presence of alcohol in the blood. During this procedure, as can be seen on the frame, Sterlikova runs blood from the left temple.

Audio from Camera IVS, where Sterlikov was also listened. Sterlikov told his models about what was happening with him when Siloviki attacked him on Dzerzhinsky Avenue: "I ran away from these gangsters - I was in shocking condition ... I drove into some yard - start to beat me and pull me out."

In addition, there is an audio recording where Sterlikova is removed from the chamber, they take to another room and say: "Sign the Protocol that you drove on the sidewalk and hit the employee." He refused to sign.

Not all videos admitted to the case file were able to view during the court hearing.

"All that loaded, we viewed. And all that was not loaded, well, as they say, we will improve, "the Judge of Gennady Yankovsky commented on.

Position of Sterlikova: A man is accused of resisting an employee of internal affairs bodies associated with the threat of violence. But under violence it is understood by intentional causing injuries. However, the state concretion did not provide evidence of intention from Sterlikova. Basic damage to Zavadsky was caused by the door of Sterlikova, it was open, she was an inspector Kaspersure. What is the intent for causing corporal damage? If Sterlikova had intent, he would have opened this door himself.

Alexey Sterlikov was shocked by the fact that the state redeem was requested by 4 years in colonies. He asked the Court in connection with this to give him the opportunity to prepare for the last word and postpone the meeting as another day - but the Judge Yankovsky did not allow it.

In the last word, Sterlikov said the following: "All last year, my wife and I prepared for pregnancy. They drank vitamins, passed a survey ... In that September day, we just celebrated our holiday, just returned home. By evil coincidence, we hit the bakes. They attacked us, no one defended us, beat. What happened if I didn't leave the Dzerzhinsky Avenue, you were told to the witness (stroks) - he was taken out of the car, beat him, deprived the right to move, continued to beat when he lay on Earth. If this happened to my wife - I would not know at all how to call myself my husband. I accepted an instinctive decision to save it. My spouse suffered - when I was in the SIZO half a year, she ran into a new reality. She lost his sleep, lost weight, lost appetite, lost weight. All our plans collapsed. She was forced to turn to psychologists. I saved my spouse on Dzerzhinsky Avenue, saved myself. Acted on the basis of that ... Yes, in principle, anyone in this hall acted as well. Any of you can say that looking into the mirror, which would have received the same way. I'm sorry about what happened in the Razinskaya. But I did not have the intent of someone to shoot down, to attack someone. I wanted to escape. Unfortunately, at that moment, except for himself, I could not count on anyone. I like a drunk dog ran from this avenue, hidden in a dark angle so that no one offended me and my wife. But beating related people is unforgivable. Zavadsky, who moved into my direction, I did not see.

I lost this situation many times - what could I change? But I did not find a response. Because I have not seen the person who beat me: he was in black. I am deputy head in a construction organization, in my submission about 100 people. I tried to live in a normal life until I was encroached on my security. From what I could - I did. I defended my spouse. After spending almost half a year in the SIZO in Volodar, where 22 people are sitting on 30 square meters, it is not understood that it is for punishment. This is more asocializing a person, makes feel humiliated. In my opinion, I will only degrade and asocialize. " Sterlikov asked to apply a punishment to him, not conjugate with imprisonment. Since, being free, he would benefit his family, contained his children (Alexey has two minor children), the benefit of society and the state in the form of taxes, etc.


Today, the driver is voiced by the driver - 4 years of the colony of the general regime, according to Our Niwa. According to the publication, the company where a man worked should pay 10 thousand rubles to the victim inspector.

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