Russian theater dancer: I'm in the soul I actress

Russian theater dancer: I'm in the soul I actress 13333_1

When they talk about the theater, then usually we are talking about the actors. However, now in fashion musical productions. And then representatives of other professions are invited to help speaking artists. So it happened with our guest. After completing in 2010, the reconstruction of the Riga Russian Theater named after M. Chekhov, the new season was opened by the play "Twelve Night" director Igor Konayev. Suitable candidates of dancers for the performance picked up choreographer Olga Zhitlukhin. So with her light hand Olga Spridzan and hit the scene of the oldest Russian theater outside of Russia. Now she participates in the performance of Tango between the lines, "my beautiful lady" and others.

Unforgettable tour

- I note that the play "My beautiful Lady" put the famous Russian director and choreographer Alla Sigigov. Moreover, the dancers in it are involved in purely gaming micezents together with actors. We do not say anything, but we sing. Moreover, when in 2012, one actress broke the ankle, then I was urgently introduced as an actress immediately in two musical performances: "Odessa, the city of Koldovskaya ..." and "Tango between the lines". I needed a lot to move and sing again. Of course, I tried to get into my images. First of all, it was necessary to abstract from the fact that I was a dancer, because the dancers were accustomed to express themselves through the movements. Of course, I experienced great stress. In addition, after the rapid entry, the theater immediately went on tour to St. Petersburg.

- Probably the knees trembled from fear?

- Yes, there was a certain mandrage. Although in his creative life I have more than once performed on the same stage with the stars, including from Russia and Latvia. But here the role of Raymond Pauls himself was played his role in the play "Odessa, the city of Koldovskaya ...". And our maestro, as you know, always frowns. You do not know whether he is satisfied with everything ... Naturally, he felt tremendous responsibility, because I represented the Russian theater of Riga. Russian televisers came to shoot a plot about us. And I found myself in the first frame for the whole screen. In general, those tours are remembered for life!

By the way, then in Riga, my favorite aunt Tamara came to the performance. She was very pleased. I thought she meant my game. But it turned out, she liked the production. And she said like this: "You know, there is one actress well, very much like you!" The aunt even could not imagine that I was on the stage, her niece. For me it was the best compliment.

I will note that I have long understood: I'm actress in my heart. I like to try different images to feel the condition in which one or another character is located. At one time, I even visited the courses of the Russian actress Natalia Shcherbakova, who came from St. Petersburg. I want to continue acting at the first opportunity. And in general, I incredibly love theatrical life - tour and so on. I feel in my place.

By mother's footsteps

- As I understand it, you still dance in the performances of the new theater operetta?

- Yes, this theater appeared with us relatively recently - in 2014. Since then, he was looking for his permanent place. But I have a hurry to inform the joyful news to fans of this genre: now the Ogre DC has become our house.

- And when did you start dancing?

- Here I'm all love in my mother. She has an accountant by profession, but he also loved to dance since childhood. Therefore, I first took me to the Ballet Studio "Rondo". And when I was 10 years old, I entered the Riga choreographic school. It turns out exactly 30 years old

. My mother and I missed any formulation in our famous State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (then it was so called). Of course, I dreamed of becoming a ballerina. I was very fascinating classical music. I also wanted to flag on stage.

Houses on the walls hung posters with glorified ballerinas. In Riga, then Ers House and Lita Beyris were especially vividly pronounced. I collected clippings from ballet magazines. I had even a notebook with a choreographic producers invented by me.

How much I remember myself, I always danced everywhere. Both in summer camps, and at school concerts, and in sanatoriums, and on the club evenings of the Mama Plant. Then there were still vinyl records. When no one was at home, I arranged whole concerts!

White Swan - Favorite Image

- What kind of plate was beloved?

- Here the answer is unequivocal: Music from the ballet "Swan Lake" Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. My favorite image is a white swan. Probably because he touched me to the depths of the soul with his purity and fragility. True, after a year, I, alas, were expelled from the choreographic school for the "non-sufficient data", although they marked my zeal and the desire to dance. For me it was, of course, a blow. I could not even believe that this could happen to me. Fortunately, in the same year, one of our teachers, Alexander Barinov, opened a private ballet school, in which all the same teachers were taught from the school.

And all the next 7 years, I went to the ballet one day after a secondary school. Thanks to parents for support! In 1999, I received a diploma dancer. It is noteworthy that the graduation concert was held in the legendary Riga State Theater Operetta. We were the last to whom was lucky to dance on his scene. And soon there is already a night club La Rocca.

However, in addition to the classics today I especially love jazz dance. I have been teaching it for 10 years. We can say that I am a teacher with experience. Last year, I embodied my long-standing dream: I had a whole cycle of master classes on jazz dance Jazz Dance Fusion. Jazz dance is incredibly diverse: it combines many styles. I still receive thank feedback.

Many are interested in where you can learn this area. Just before the new year, I had the idea of ​​opening in the Latvian College of Culture, a whole branch specializing in the jazz dance. Now I collect the team of teachers and make up the learning technique. From the next school year, let's start classes.

To share experience

- We started our conversation from the Riga Russian Theater named after M. Chekhov. What was before him?

- There was a lot of countries, where they performed as a performer of modern dances. Say, I spent the whole year in South Korea. Another danced in Malaysia, Portugal, India, Slovenia, Armenia, Switzerland and other countries. The experience gained a colossal. When I returned to Riga, I wanted to share them. He entered the Riga College of Culture on the head of the dance team. I note that in addition to college, I still teach in the Studio Rhythm. In general, I am doing what I always dreamed of: Dance and teach this others.

I believe that children's dreams should come true. Only in this case a person may feel truly happy. By the way, I am also an economist with higher education. It seems that this is a completely different profession, but it helps a lot in the course of incarnation into the life of some projects. When you plan and coordinate, the head works, and the body rests from the dances.

Writes poems

- I can not ask: how did the pandemic affect your life?

- Unfortunately, some projects had to postpone until better times. But there was a lot of free time. She began to spend more time with his son Adrian, because he only 4 years old. This is my joy and happiness! And also began to knit and embroider. You can say, returned to your favorite hobby. That's just now I knit scarf ...

It should be said that thanks to the emergency position, some eternal bustle has passed and peace of mind has come. This is the perfect condition for the birth of interesting ideas. There is time to listen to yourself, understand what to do next. And when Muse is visited me, I write poems. Although even the dance is present in them.

The sea is worried, Ryano raging ...

In the sea puchin, she dances:

The legs in the cold sand are styling,

Water, like ice, throat burns!

Waves impassively attack again!

The wind of the claws in the throat is stuffed,

Treplet soul and tear souses,

Leaving Mobile, punching emptiness ...

Here I have a mood now ... Of course, I want a pandemic to end. It's hard to sit in one place. I will note that I have been participating in the famous project "Cabare" for 8 years. This winter, unfortunately, was canceled. Clear why. Usually rehearsals begin in three months before the new year.

Whether this is some kind of interesting idea, unusual colorful rooms and suits. Basically, I dance in the "cabaret", but sometimes like choreographer put numbers. The most memorable has become our trip in 2014 to distant India. Now it seems that it was so long ago ...

Anniversary celebrated on the beach

- What do you dream about?

- I want to learn to sing beautifully. And I also dream of big cinema. In mid-December, he outlined in the episodic role of the retrotant farm in the multiserial picture "Emilija. Latvijas Present Karliene ", which will be released in the fall. The main roles in it are performed by the lead theatrical actors Gun Zarin and Juris Bartkevich. A film about the tragic fate of the journalist Emilia Benjamini, who fought for freedom of print. Events are unfolded in the 20s-30s of the last century, so the costumes of all were appropriate. Of course, it does not wait to see the end result.

I really want my project Jazz Dance Fusion to grow into a large international jazz dance festival. So that you can invite foreign dancers to it for sharing valuable experience. And I also dream of opening a school of dancing, in which classes would pass from morning to evening. I myself studied in London in such a school when I visited master classes to improve the qualifications.

There are coming out from all over the world. Classes are divided according to the level of training. Thus, almost anyone can learn. And what energy was there! Everyone has so burned eyes. I remember what kind of entered and inspired I returned from there. I want us to have such a school.

By the way, in December I noted the anniversary: ​​I turned 40 years old. I do not feel free to talk about my age. I think that it is not terrible to grow old - it is terribly losing the taste for life, become apathetic, lazy, cynical. But, I hope this is all not my story.

Do you know how I met my 40th anniversary? Of course, dancing! You ask, where, if everything is closed? Outside, in Jurmala, by the sea. We arrived with a cousin, photographer Catherine, just walk along the shore. But when the soul rejoices, and nature inspires, the body itself begins to dance. So the walk has grown into the dance photo session. Just passed by another photographer. She also started shooting me. I felt like a scene. What is not enough now!

- Congratulations on the anniversary, wish you creative success!

Photo from the personal archive of Olga Spridzan

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