Ecology problems will be discussed in Irkutsk


Irkutsk, 3.02.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - the Eco-Unity Forum for environmental activists and those who only plan to join the environmental movement will be held in Irkutsk on February 13 and 14.

His main goal will be the formation of environmental thinking and culture from young people, as well as the establishment of partnerships between educational institutions, volunteers and eco-organizations, the press service of the IGU reports.

- At the forum, Irkutsk youth will be able to get concentrated knowledge on ecology, new information for them, presented in this in accessible to understanding format, write and protect the environmental project, find like-minded people and, quite possibly, partners and sponsors - noted the organizer of the Forum, a specialist in Working with the youth management of social and extracurricular work IGU Love Chepinoga.

The area of ​​the forum is chosen educational space of the Rasputin IGU scientific library. The key activities of the forum will be short, but informative lectures on the topic of ecology, environmental protection, conscious consumption, and so on, the holding of eco-sites is scheduled, including the collection of recycling, trainings and competition of eco-ideas. Also, within the framework of the Forum, a round table will be held on which it is planned to discuss issues of cooperation and to form a program of unified actions of universities and Eco-associations of Irkutsk.

Anyone who wants to take part in the work of the Forum (schoolchildren under 18 - only accompanied by managers). Applications for participation are accepted until February 7.

The forum will be held as part of the project "Eco-Unity" project of a specialist in working with the youth management of social and extracurricular work IHU Love of Chepinog, supported by the Grant of the Ministry of Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region.

The organizer is the Irkutsk State University. Corganizers are: Ministry of Youth Policy of the Irkutsk Region; Irkutsk Regional Department of the Youth All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Student Councils"; FSBI "Reserved Baikalier"; GAU to the Irkutsk region "Center for the Development of Additional Education of Children"; Charitable Foundation "Give Planet Life"; All-Russian Ecological Project "Ecodvor"; Irkutsk Regional Environmental Public Organization "My Baikal".

Ecology problems will be discussed in Irkutsk 13331_1

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