10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes


For a long time you dream about dishwasher, but doubt its effectiveness? In this article we will debunk all popular myths about the dishwasher, so you can quietly decide on the purchase.

Too expensive

The average cost of the dishwasher is 20 tr., But prices begin from 11 tr., So if you wish, you can find a device for small money. In return, you will get more free time that will pay off in the future.

Owners of dishwashers note that after her appearance, much less efforts are spent on the management of life, and disputes about who to wash the dishes disappear.

10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes 13317_1


Contrary to popular belief, the dishwasher does not increase, but reduces water costs. If you manually wash the amount of dishes, which fits in the dishwasher, you will spend 5 times more water.

Costs for payment of receipts of housing and communal services will decrease, since the technique uses only cold water.

10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes 13317_2

Overcharge difficult

Read also errors that are better not allowed when using appliances.

Loading and launching the device will easily master everyone - it is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions. The first launch must be carried out in idle mode to check the connection and wash off the remnants of the factory dust.

Dishes should be downloaded by defined rules:

At the bottom of the distance from each other, large items are usually located (pans, pans, plates);

And in the upper tray - smaller (cups, saucers, appliances);

The dishes must be pre-free from food residues;

After selecting the mode, it remains only to click on the button and expect the end of the sink.

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Not for small-year

Read also how to save space in a small kitchen?

If you are the owner of a small kitchen, you should not deny yourself in an automatic dishwasher: in addition to full-size units, modern manufacturers produce narrow cars with a width of about 45 cm.

They are intended for families with 2-3 children and accommodate up to 10 sets of dishes. At depth and height, they do not differ from the usual. There are also even more compact, almost square devices: their depth, height and width is about 50 cm. Suitable for single and small families.

10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes 13317_4

Requires special care

Read also kitchen things that need to be regularly changed.

In comparison with how much time is spent on rinsing and cleaning the sink after washing dishes manually, caring for the machine does not cause special troubles.

This requires a special cleaner, which must be used once in 30 miles - it eliminates scale and raid. It is also worth watching the filter, cleaning it from food residues as pollution.

After each washing, we recommend leaving the machine half-open for several hours.

10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes 13317_5

The machine does not cope with cleansing

Read also bad habits, which should not be a good mistress

This myth is easily refuted, once checking the washed utensils - fat fever and pieces of food you will not find, and the surface will creak if you spend your finger on it.

The fact is that the device uses hot steam and pressure, as well as special cleaning products. They perfectly cope with their task. Most machines easily remove the awesome and burnt food.

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Not for large dishes

It is not like this: even small cars contain pots, frying pan and large dishes. There are models that are specifically designed to purify the opposes, but also in a small-sized device you can squeeze a pair of tanks, removing the top tray.

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Does not fit into the interior

Partially or fully embedded models are considered visually the most advantages that look great even in the classic style. For them, the same facades are made as for the headset.

But even a separately worthwheeling machine looks presentable if it echoes with furniture (white with white cabinets) or technique (chromed with washing, mixer or refrigerator).

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Too noisy

If you are used to the sounds published by the washing machine - "record holder" among noisy household appliances - then the hum of dishwasher will not annoy you. But in order not to risk their rest, pay attention to the noise level immediately at the purchase stage: the data is indicated in the technical passport of the device and are denoted by decibels (dB).

The quietest machines give out the noise of 39-43 dB, which can be compared with a quiet conversation.

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Full load needed

Some are convinced that it is possible to launch the device only accumulating the "Mount of the dishes". But modern cars can save about 20% of the water when the "half of the load" function is enabled, so it is not necessary to wait for the fill.

There is also a quick wash mode when the device copes with a small amount of not particularly dirty dishes in just half an hour.

10 popular myths about the dishwasher in which everyone believes 13317_10

It is difficult to meet a person who regretted the acquisition of the dishwasher: it saves strength and time, making the kitchen tidy, and the owner is happy.

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