Stroyoprava with drones will track the illegal installation of cables and satellite plates

Stroyoprava with drones will track the illegal installation of cables and satellite plates 13298_1

Those who look at illegal satellite TV channels will be fined. Riga Stroyoprava reported that with the help of drones will track the illegal installation of cable wires on the roofs, as well as identify satellite plates on house facades, reports Russian broadcasting LTV7 in the Program "Personal Business", writes

Since January 19 last year, the co-owner of Baltijas Mediju Alianse Oleg Malodov is under investigation in the case of violation of sanctions. According to the Nekā Personīga program, Oleg Solodov went on a deal with the prosecutor's office and recognized his guilt.

All this time, Baltijas Mediju Alianse, through TEM LV, retransmitted 15 Russian channels in Latvia, which distributed the British Reveno Media company. In early February of this year, the TET cable network operator doubted the right holder and turned off 5 Russian channels for its customers: PBK, NTV MIR REN TV, Film and Cinemix.

"TET company, like any other physical or legal person in Latvia, should know with whom she cooperates," the representative of TET Jea Smirnova explained this decision.

The company also appealed to the National Council on electronic media with a request to figure out whether the owners of relayed channels are not under sanctions.

"In fact, the situation with the aet does not differ from other television operators. All held negotiations on the conclusion of a new treaty. With someone harder, with someone easier. And so that the operators and their subscribers themselves suffered, I, as a copyright holder, from February 1, allowed the company and Tem LV to extend the right to relay on the appropriate period after the end of the negotiations. On all channels for all operators. We used it all, continue to relay. Unfortunately, the only one who did not agree was the company tet, "says Vadim Barannik.

According to Barannik, TET may have resorted to pressure in order to knock out the best financial conditions:

"Immediately there were mentions, some government organizations of law enforcement agencies. Etc. It is very similar to some rather strange commercial negotiation practices. "

Formally, neither Oleg Solodov, nor Margus Merima appear in the sanctions lists, which are posted on the home page of the Latvian financial intelligence service, but the head of Reveno Media Margus Merim is also under investigation and is accused of the case of sanctions along with Oleg Solodov.

They are suspected that they transferred funds to the Russian entrepreneur, the shareholder of the Russian Bank Yuri Kovalchuk. It appears in the constituent lists of the European Union. In order to avoid risks, for the remaining cable operators, the National Council on electronic media prohibited the relay of 16 Russian channels. Perhaps temporarily.

"Regulatory acts determine that he had seven days of time to provide all the information until midnight Sunday. It was not done. The information was not received. Decision is made. And I still have not received any of the ramberry, nor from someone else about the legal representation of these programs. And if the Baranny has such rights, it may be in accordance with the procedure established by law to go through the licensing procedure, which can last up to 1 year, "said Ivars Abolins, Chairman of the National Council of Latvia on the electronic media.

Because of such a rapid solution, there was a redistribution of the cable market. Immediately after refusing to use a number of Russian channels, many customers went to other cable operators. The aet does not disclose how many customers have gone, but now, after the NEPLP solution, their name is back. In addition, the advertising market suffered.

"If a decision is made, then it should take into force tonight today, but for a month or some normal, acceptable period. As advertisers planned their activity. Today, everyone stands before the fact that they need to change something. And it is necessary to look for rapid decisions, "explained the representative of the Latvian Association of Advertising by Baiba Lesin.

The National Media Council denies that the decision has a political background, and that this is a form of combating the Kremlin propaganda, but at the same time NEPLP appealed to Youtube to block the Russian channels on the Internet, and thereby strengthen the effect from its solution. However, to require something to close something or somehow influence the NEPLP platform solution, they can only ask them to put the block.

"Now this decision has no connection with European sanctions, now it is only connected with the fact that these programs in Latvia cannot be identified by the representative and NEPLP cannot act in any way but to accept this decision," said the Chairman of the National Council of Latvia on electronic Media Ivars Abolins.

In the Latvian advertising Association, it is believed that the disappearance from the market of such a number of popular Russian channels will lead to a new twist of piracy. Residents of the country will watch Russian channels on the Internet.

Many providers block this opportunity. However, it is fairly easy to get around using a private virtual network, which in principle many do.

There is still satellite television.

Professor of Riga University named after Stradin, Media Expert Sergey Kruk believes that the active struggle with the TV and propaganda in it, in the era of the development of the Internet does not make sense.

"They sincerely believe that if they dose information, it will affect the minds and practices. They do not impede themselves either evidence nor empirical data. And all this red thread passes through political documents. And there are no indicators - what we have to achieve, closing such channels. Well, show me this part of the population, prove to what, this effect manifests itself and prove that the economy crashed because they are watching Solovyov. Show me mass protests, resistance, some conspiracies. Need an empirical evidence base. She is not, "Kruk said.

On February 6, the Riga Stroyoprava reported that with the help of drones would be tracking illegally extended cables on the roofs of houses, as well as identify illegally installed satellite plates on the facades. However, in the Riga Study, they emphasize that in a particular situation they are only interested in the appearance of buildings facades - with the decision of the Seimas of their checks are not connected.

"If we are talking about facades, which are facing the street, then these satellite plates, air conditioning systems are not allowed. These elements can be installed in the courtyard, "explained the representative of the Riga Construction Department Edgars Butans.

Also, the Riga Stroofrava intends to fight cables on the roofs. At the same time, nothing will be withdrawn.

"If we are talking about these elements of the facade, which are installed in some ways, of course, we will not be labeled in the apartment. We have no such rights to do. We will inform residents in the manner prescribed by law. We will ask for definite time to eliminate violations, "said Edgars Butans.

Stroyoprava will be proceeded after improving the epidemiological situation in the country. First examine the center of Riga with drones, then go to sleeping areas.

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