In Smorgon, parents complain about the emergency in a group in kindergarten. How will it be eliminated?


In kindergarten number 13 of Smorgon in one of the premises, as the parents assure, the plaster collapses. They learned about the emergency situation accidentally and scored alarm. The group was eventually closed, and the children were distributed. Now readers fear that repair will not be, and their children will remain in other people's groups. The Garden Administration assures that it is not. In confirmation of their words, parents sent photos of the ceiling in kindergarten.

In Smorgon, parents complain about the emergency in a group in kindergarten. How will it be eliminated? 13297_1

One of the parents argues that the problem with the ceiling in the group arose a long time ago.

- Parents usually lead the child to the locker room and do not go further, "Alexey says. - Once, another five years ago, when my eldest son went to this group, I noticed that the toilet cost basins with buckets. I did not give it importance because I decided that it began to leak the ceiling, it would be repaired. Now the youngest son goes to the same group, and everything has become much worse: the plaster is already falling off.

According to Alexey, parents have learned about it by chance. One child called Father, when soap hands, and dad went to the toilet. He saw in what condition the ceiling, photographed and dropped into the parent chat. Parents were outraged and met with the head to discuss the problem, writes

- She claims that this is a force majeure that arose due to bad weather. But I do not agree with this, because the problem was five years ago. In summer, all this is lubricated, and in the winter, the situation is exacerbated.

Parents called Sanstanda, and after checking the group was closed.

- Most of all we were outraged by the fact that our children were scattered in different groups, in which 24-25 people are so, and the "antique" ruling is violated. I assume that there will be no repair, because this problem has been many years, and they still have not been eliminated, - Aleksey fears.

Head: "Repair will definitely"

We have gotted to the head of kindergarten No. 13 of Smorgon Svetlana Vasko. She confirms that the problem exists, but everything is not so scary as parents describe.

- The ceiling is really wet, but there is nothing collapsed. Children do not attend this group, she was disbanded last week on Wednesday. Just snow on the roof began to melt and, apparently, leak. The flows were before, but we eliminated them with cosmetic repairs. Such a situation, as now, did not arise. Yes, and the winter there was no such snowy.

The head of the garden assured that the repairs are planned in the near future, but the exact time could not be called.

- Of course, the repair will definitely be, I also need to place children somewhere. Today will come a specialist in the roofs and look what can be done. The group was closed before eliminating this situation. I have not yet received any recommendations from the roof repair specialist, so I can't talk about exact terms.

Parents believe that in connection with the epidemiological situation, it was impossible to combine groups. Indeed, in April 2020, Resolution No. 37 from the Ministry of Health, which refers to the ban on the transfer of children to other groups. But a little later, an explanation appeared, according to which the translation of children to other groups is prohibited only in the period when the institution records incidence of coronavirus.

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