Studental exchange helps the development of promotional cooperation between Russia and Belarus - expert

Studental exchange helps the development of promotional cooperation between Russia and Belarus - expert 1326_1
Studental exchange helps the development of promotional cooperation between Russia and Belarus - expert

In 2020, the first educational center of the Minsk Tractor Plant (MTZ) was opened in the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. In it, students will be able to study agricultural equipment and modern technology of its service, including computer diagnostics. The director of the Engineering Institute NGAU Yuri Guskov was told about how the training center was created on the development plans for its development and opportunities for cooperation between the "Eurasia.Expert" market in an interview with Eurasia.

- Yuri Aleksandrovich, how did the idea of ​​creating a training center, who acted as the initiator?

- In 2016, with the support of the Siberia Trading House, we had a specialized educational class. It was the first contact, they came to us for dating and expressed the idea that it would be good to cooperate, as we have points of contact. We are preparing engineers, that is, those who directly exploit the technique that they sell to us and are offered.

As part of this cooperation, they transferred us layouts to study the main nodes, technician systems, a set of modern posters for study, and we promised that we will be constantly in contact with them, because we need guides for everything that they are promoting our region, we need People who will be all exploited and promoted. Practice shows that almost all the current engineers who serve the technique are our graduates. Therefore, where is it not in our university to get acquainted with the basics and with the beginning of studying this technique?

- What are the key tasks to solve the training center?

"We call him a" training service center of the MTZ Energy Sensitive Technique. " The word "educational" we also use, but this is a service center of the MTZ energy saturated technique.

Tasks We impose the following on this center. The first is the study of the technology of pre-sale preparation. This is a very important point, because the technique is delivered in a disassembled or in a semi-discharge state, or not complicated, or not refilled. There are relevant regulations on the pre-sale preparation of this technique, who developed the plant, and as part of our center, students will study these technologies, promote and distribute for our commodity producers.

In addition, they will study the technologies of warranty and post-warranty maintenance techniques, because to sell is not all, the technique must be serviced, and both in the warranty, and in the post-warranty period. It is clear that in real production it is difficult to organize competent maintenance of equipment. In addition, the technologies themselves are very complex.

A lot of changes are constantly introduced into the technique, that is, one party is already different from the other, some additional elements, nodes, units, and so on, and from different manufacturers are entered into it. And for all this to keep track of simple workers is very difficult.

In our center, since we solve and educational tasks, we have specialists and professionals of a good level, teachers who have the opportunity to track all these changes and convey them not only to students, but also to those people who exploit this technique.

- What are the prospects for educational cooperation of NGAU and MTZ?

- The next stage, which, too, needs to be mastered, study, promote, in which you need to understand are the processes of the current and overhaul of tractors. In the process of operation, the tractor fails, something breaks into them, requires replacement and so on. Technological processes of repair, rational and most acceptable, and not just someone's conclusions, we also impose on this center and we will work out.

A separate question is a study of computer diagnostic technologies for various systems of modern tractors using modern scanners. It is clear that in each household the diagnostic equipment with the camera is impossible, but there must be service centers for maintenance, and they are now actively created for which specialists also need to be prepared. We can take this task, and the plant understands that they no longer rely on anyone.

Another question is to improve the qualifications of employees of the regional service centers. In general, the whole system will be so built in our country: there will be service centers, and those who sell this technique will create these service centers. But they also need specialists, techniques, technology and equipment - in general, it is necessary to understand what - where and so on. We can just become such a center that will cover all these problems and help them solve. Thus, it will be information support for commodity producers in technical issues related to the repair and operation of self-propelled technology.

In a word, there are so many points of contact, and all this is done by us together, that is, we determined not themselves, and in the dialogue came to the conclusion that they could take on these issues.

Therefore, the trading house, and the MTZ plant itself very well understood this and even invested financially in the development of this center. It is equipped, they help us with the acquisition of equipment: it has already been purchased much and installed, and we continue this cooperation. We hope that in the future our plans are implemented.

In addition, I want to say that our teachers should be at the level of such tasks. Not only are they have certain competencies, they still need to develop, replenish. Two teachers of the department "Cars and Tractors" issued internships at the MTZ plant, but it was not yet possible to leave, for obvious reasons it was postponed. But the program is agreed, they have already issued everything. In the future, we plan that our students will enter the plant to practice, to also get acquainted with production, to understand, from where, what and how there is going on, because the process is initially necessary to study deeply, to understand how the tractor is built, where he is being built.

We already have another center, which is called the "Gommelmash" laboratory, since Gomselmash also produces this technique.

- What areas of cooperation in the educational sector could have an additional impetus to development within the framework of the Allied State of Belarus and Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union?

- In Belarus, there are also universities, and our teachers will go to internship not only at the plant, but also at the university. They will be experienced there. Near the day when we can exchange students.

The development of such a region as Siberia is also attractive for Belarus, because there are so many companies that are actively working here. People who studied in Belarus are now working in companies that supply us technique, so there is some interest in this.

I hope that student exchange is possible. There are no special obstacles to this: if the question is that our students can go there for practice, almost resolved, then I do not think that there is some kind of problem so that their students get to us. Such cooperation will also be further.

- Belarus speaks one of the largest partners of the Novosibirsk region for foreign trade turnover, and from 2012 to 2018. Commodity turnover of industrial products has grown more than three times. Due to what is able to achieve such results?

- It is extremely clear why turnover increases. This is because the technique that today is produced in Belarus, a worthy level, competitive and wins in price. She takes her niche. Moreover, as I know, the whole technique that comes (combines, for example) enters the program of supporting our commodity producers who acquire it.

I understand that they were incorporated there because it would be a union state, they would have not been there in a different way. Therefore, within our market, they are practically equal with domestic producers.

There is some kind of assortment that did not hit this program, but what concerns agriculture and large equipment, such as combines and tractors, everything, of course, turns on there. In this market, they are quite successfully competing with world manufacturers.

Announced Maria Mamzelkina

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