Ni: The Chinese are confident in the superiority of the Russian Su-57 fighter over American F-35


The assumptions about the presence of such a radar, according to the authors of the material, they did not do themselves, but the Chinese edition of

American media wondered whether the SU-57 Russian fighter really has a secret radar that will allow the aircraft to easily win the air battle from the American F-35. An overview of this article of a foreign press represents the publication "Military case".

Ni: The Chinese are confident in the superiority of the Russian Su-57 fighter over American F-35 13215_1

The assumptions about the presence of such a radar, according to the authors of the material, they did not do themselves, but the Chinese edition of By the way, an active reference to the original source, which Americans pointed out in their article, was not a working. The essence of the material in the alleged Chinese media comes down to the fact that the newest Russian fighter of the fifth generation will receive a "chief trump card" - a radio photon radar, which will allow "kill" the advantage of American stealth fighters.

Ni: The Chinese are confident in the superiority of the Russian Su-57 fighter over American F-35 13215_2

For example, if you believe to journalists from the United States, then in the Chinese publication, it was approved on a record range of detection of the Russian radar 500 kilometers. Also mentioned about other outstanding characteristics, which are several times superior to such foreign technique. The main one of these advantages was called the ability of the Russian radar to resist even the most powerful "electronic silencers". In other words, "the new radar will directly ignore almost any electronic interference."

Ni: The Chinese are confident in the superiority of the Russian Su-57 fighter over American F-35 13215_3

American journalists write that if the data of the Chinese media is confirmed, then it seems that the F-35 will lose its main advantage that is incrementability. However, experts from the United States pointed out that this material in the Chinese press appeared quite a long time and was published on the background of news about the possibility of purchasing PRC Su-57. As you know, the Americans write, this will not happen, since China is engaged in its own development of invisible fighters J-20.

Ni: The Chinese are confident in the superiority of the Russian Su-57 fighter over American F-35 13215_4

Also, the American publication writes that the full capabilities of the SU-57 radar system are not yet disclosed. And therefore, according to analysts from the United States, making conclusions about the exclusivity of the Russian radar for SU-57 completely prematurely. In addition, with the serial release of the Russian fighter of the fifth generation, there are still many different problems, and the Su-35, which is much cheaper, can put the feasibility of mass production SU-57 for a big doubt. Recall that disputes, rumors and all sorts of speculations do not subscribe around the newest Russian fighter-invisibility of the fifth generation.

Earlier it was reported that the media discovered traces of UFOs on the video with the flight of Russian SU-57.

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