PRIMER FOR FACE. What is it needed and what to choose?

PRIMER FOR FACE. What is it needed and what to choose? 13213_1
PRIMER FOR FACE. What is it needed and what to choose?

It is often confused with a highlighter, a consilet, a bronzer. But the cardinal difference of this product from other, similar to appearance, lies in the title: Primer for the face - means "primer".

In other words, this cosmetic means is a base for makeup, the main task of which is to prepare a person to apply decorative cosmetics, ensure the best adhesion of the skin with a tone cream, a corrector, a highlighter, a bronzer ... that is why the primer is also called the base.

Why do you need a primer?

In principle, without primer you can do, as we managed without it some 20 years ago. But if you strive for impeccable, "long-playing" makeup, then the primer for the skin of the face is needed. What? Decide yourself.

Face leveling primer
PRIMER FOR FACE. What is it needed and what to choose? 13213_2
Primer for face

How is the face primer

Most often it is a means with a creamy texture and silicones. Such primers advise those who have "nosed" skin, as silicones fill the pores and leveled the relief.

But silicone primers have a significant minus: it is difficult to remove them, the usual cleansing agent may not cope with this. For demacidia, high-quality hydrophilic oil will be required, otherwise the primer will provoke inflammation. Silicons are clogged and cause acne.

Face Matting Primer

They are saturated with minerals and are designed for greens of oily and porous skin.

Mineral primers are leveled worse than silicone, but the sebum is absorbed and they do not allow fatty shine. Specialists recommend applying them only on areas that matting is really necessary. In particular, on the wings of the nose or the entire T-zone - then the cheeks will seem more sculptural.

Reflective face primer

This variant contains microscopic polymer diffusers, refracting rays. The purpose of this product is to hide small wrinkles, to achieve a fashionable blur effect today, a lung, "internal" skin glow.

However, these primers have a weak point: reflective particles are distracted from wrinkles, but emphasize extended pores and make noticeable pimples.

Face Sunscreen Primer

This is the most universal and, perhaps, the desired thing. SPF, saving from ultraviolet, do not interfere with no winter or, especially in summer. The snag is only that powerful filters infrequently add to the primers, and if there is a slimless sun on the street, the special cream will still need.

Moisturizing primers

Their chief "visor" is hyaluronic acid. The primers in which, in addition to Haluronan, include oils (shi, for example), collagen and vitamins are also not uncommon. A similar basis for makeup is quite capable of replacing moisturizing day cream.

Masking primers

They contain dyes, retouching skin color. Green pigments are cleaned with redness and cooperosis, pink and lilac eliminate dullness, blue neutralize yellow stains and so on. Supplemented by proofreader and powder, such primers - Must Have for those who have an inhomogeneous skin tone.

According to the consistency, the base base is also dispersed
  • Cream primers are the most common, but are suitable only for dry or normal, without pronounced wrinkles and skin beds.
  • Gel primers are mainly matured and designed to those who are excess semum, extended pores.
  • Primers-fluids are the most liquid, delicate of cream products, but also weakens in terms of masking of flaws. Their mission is to "hold" makeup on the skin, no more.
  • Putin-primers resemble the crumbly powder. Depending on the components, and in such a means, fibers of silk, kaolin, rice flour or zinc oxide, pudding primers are either "thin" skin, or have a bactericidal, drying, anti-inflammatory effect on it.
  • Spray primers are called lazy base. Apply them to wet skin. The spray can be neutral, only for fixing makeup, and with an alcohol content, for oily skin.
  • There are both primers-pencils and stickers, solid products. However, they are intended for lips and eyelids, their preparation for Maikap.

Choose the primer for the skin of the face most natural, preferably without silicones. In fact, the primer is a leaving cream that fills the skin makes it smooth and makes it easier to apply makeup.

Such a primer for a face is easily with your own hands.

We make a light gel based on, for example lesiegel, we can add hyaluronic acid for moisturizing and other cargoing components (natural oils, glycerin, squalane).

For light masking of defects, you can add a bit of your favorite powder or tonal cream, and a better mineral dye (for example, a reflective powder).

PRIMER FOR FACE. What is it needed and what to choose? 13213_3
Primer for face

Such are sold in stores in ingredients for cosmetics.

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