What are the genres of films: description and what they mean


Welcome all readers! Many movie lovers face the problem of choosing a film precisely because of the misunderstanding of the differences of genres. Example: "What do I like, fantasy or science fiction? Is this one and the same or still there are differences? ". Today I will tell you how the genres of films are and what they mean.

The list of genres varies on each resource, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular of them. And also tell me more details about each!


This genre is also called an action film (in English Action Movie), that is, a literal film action. Often it is tied to the main hero, he faces evil that needs to be overcome. It may be mafia, old enemies, terrorists and others.

Different with abundance of fights, tricks and shootings. One of the most recognizable paintings of the genre can be called the film "Strong Oreshk" with Bruce Willis in the lead role.

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Probably, the drama is the most requested that the viewer needs to be in cinema and shows, because the experiences and emotions of the heroes are always forced to empathize and sympathize, it is possible to even see themselves in certain situations.

The main sign of the genre is the presence of a problem from the main character, which the latter is trying to solve with the development of the plot, revealing his identity to the viewer. An example can be "Green Mile", the trout hearts of millions of people.

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Some experts in the field of cinema include the "melodrama" to the meaning of the "drama", in which there is a little more sensuality and, so-called "tearfulness".

The main thing is to withdraw looking at emotions and afford to climb during some scenes. Mostly the plot is the struggle of goodness with evil against the background of love problems, for example, as in the "Titanic".

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The name speaks for itself, the main thing in the genre - comedy situations taking place with the main characters. The task is to charge people with positive emotions, laughter and distract from domestic problems.

Something familiar, isn't it? I am sure that you watched at least "American Pie". So, this is the most comedy.

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There is already a little more complicated, but quite a little bit. Do not be afraid of the name, Western is movies about the Cowboys of the Wild West of the 19th century, for example, the "disgusting eight" Quentin Tarantino.

The plot is pretty simple - the brutal heroes are fighting with bad guys, they save good, in terms of the way and agree on all sorts of hack for earnings.

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The main difference of heroes is the mandatory availability of a better friend in the form of a faithful horse and a steep colt gun. Often, intertwined with the historical genre, about which we will tell you only after a few lines.


In historical paintings depict certain epochs, events and rulers. As previously mentioned, it was related, for example, with a western, since the events of this genre occur in the 19th century, therefore historical / western will be indicated in the description of the film.

They are divided into historical and biographical films (about real personalities) and historical adventure (about fictional characters of past years). The bright representative of the second type is the films about Indiana Jones.

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Science fiction

Sci-fi films, like fantasy, belong to the varieties of fiction, but mostly occur in the future. In the pictures there are extraterrestrial forms of life, robots, cosmic ships (as in "Star Wars").

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The genre is literally translated as scientific fiction, that is, something invented, but based on science, and in principle possible in the distant future.


As we already understood, fantasy is also a type of fiction. There is difference, this genre is not based on science, but on the use of mythological or fabulous motifs.

Often can resemble historical adventure films in which we remember, fictional characters. What is the difference? In historical films show the present Middle Ages, in fantasy - fictional, for example, as in the "Chronicles of Narnia".

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The plot is familiar to everyone - there is any mysterious crime, the task of the chief hero to "unravel" him. According to the law of the genre at the end of the film, the hero discloses all the riddles and restores justice.

Characters are usually police officers, investigators, lawyers, victims and violators of the law. An excellent movie of the genre can be called "murder in oriental express", filmed based on the book of Agatha Christie.

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Spoken "Horror" or "Horror" is, in fact, a rather extensive range of films, which should cause a sense of fear, noncomfort and anxiety from the viewer.

This is not necessarily a movie about paranormal with scary symmers, as many people think. Such a picture can be purely psychological, as, for example, "radiance".

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Noir has become quite popular during quarantine, people began to watch movies anymore, but modern to many fed. "Black Film" - another name of the genre, applied to the Hollywood drama of the 1940s - 1950s.

They have an obsessive atmosphere of pessimism and gloom, disappointment and distrust. A distinctive feature is a chaotic story that makes the viewer often be confused in the plot. One of the most popular films of that time can be called "asphalt jungle" with Marilyn Monroe in the lead role.

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The tragedy is often confused with the drama, so I will immediately explain the difference: Drama - the presence of a problem from the main character, which he tries to decide with the course of the plot, it is possible both a good and bad ending.

The tragedy is always when the plot leads the main characters to the catastrophic end, that is, we know in advance that the film will not end with "Happy Endom" ("Boy in striped pajamas").

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The genre that combines and tragedy and comedy at the same time, as in the popular film "Life is beautiful." We, like in the tragedy, know that there will be no happy ending.

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But hopelessness of the situation is diluted with jokes or just a positive attitude. In most cases, tragicomedy causes greater emotionality from the audience, rather than a tragedy.


Thriller, like a horror genre, aims to cause an alarm and fear from the viewer. It does not have clear boundaries, so the horrorists and militants often belong to the thrillers.

But how to understand that before us is the thriller? Here you just need to divide all these genres in my head and analyze. For example, the film "Cursed Island" is an obvious thriller.

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It does not even have a psychological horror, not to mention the classic. Yes, and you won't call it a militant. But when viewing there is a clear feeling of horror, it means that we are watching the thriller.


Adventure - What could be more exciting? This genre is suitable for watching the film with the whole family, because basically such a movie is saturated only by positive and motivation.

From our favorites - it's "back to the future", where every film is a new adventure! Charismatic characters, exciting history and a pleasant atmosphere, well, just a fairy tale for a film.

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Political thriller

Fuh, it seems only figured out with a classic thriller, so the political appeared here. In fact, nothing complicated is just a thriller (we remember, the main thing is to call the emotions of anxiety and fear), but twisted around the struggle for power, that is, is connected directly with politics, as in the film "Dangerous game Sloan".

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Best of all I can characterize the genre of crime as a mixture of militant and detective. There is an action and committing a crime, as well as its subsequent disclosure.

Often the plot is connected with the casino, banks and azart in the crimes committed. A vivid example is "Eleven friends of Oushen."

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Today I have everything, but there are a few questions! Will the article help to figure out the movie genres? If you have any questions, ask them in the comments! Do not forget to share an article with friends. Was Victoria to new meetings!

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