Seedling Strawberry Frigo: how to get a rich harvest


Good afternoon, my reader. Gardeners relate differently to the Friga method. Someone this method allows you to always be with a harvest, and someone disappointed.

Seedling Strawberry Frigo: how to get a rich harvest 13198_1
FRIRA strawberry seedlings: how to get a rich harvest of Maria Verbilkova

Seedling Strawberry Frigo. (Photo used from the site

Frigo is the method of harvesting and storage of seedlings, not strawberry grade. Its essence consists in preparing the planting material from the autumn. The bushes of strawberries dig up before the rainy period, remove the leaves, the roots are wash and carried out treatment from pests and infections. The rhizomes are stored at a constant temperature from 0 to -2 ℃ and humidity 90%.

In the spring such seedlings goes on sale. Gardeners receive pedigree bushes, ready for vegetation.

Despite the complexity, such technology has many advantages:

  • Plants are protected from freezing, which often happens with landings in harsh winters.
  • The root system of seedlings will not swing and does not rot.
  • Seedling is protected from fungus, which winter on the leaves.
  • You can get the first fruits in a couple of weeks after landing in the ground.
Seedling Strawberry Frigo: how to get a rich harvest 13198_2
FRIRA strawberry seedlings: how to get a rich harvest of Maria Verbilkova

Seedling Strawberry Frigo. (Photo used from the site

  1. Carefully inspect the package with seedlings: the presence of mold or on the contrary, the roots are talking about violating the technology of storage and preparation for sale. Good sellers transport seedlings in a special substrate holding moisture.
  2. Choose seedlings with the root neck diameter from 8 to 18 mm.
  • The neck diameter is 8-12 mm. Class V. 1 Tsvetonos. Fruit on the 2nd year after disembarking.
  • Cerome diameter 12-15 mm. Class A. 2-3 blooming. Fruiting in the year of disembarkation. Small yield in the first year.
  • Sheeter diameter 15-18 mm. Class a +. More than 3 color seeds. Fruiting in the year of disembarkation. Yield in accordance with grade standards.
  1. High-quality seedlings have long, well-developed roots with a length of at least 20 cm. If seedlings have only a few young short (up to 10 cm) of the roots - from purchase should be refused.
  2. Not critical if the seedlings have already released 1-2 young leaves, they need to be removed so that the plant does not spend resources.
  • The main rule is to plant saplings into the ground as quickly as possible, ideal on the day of purchase. You can plant seedlings both in the spring and at the end of summer.
  • It is strictly forbidden to place seedlings in the refrigerator! Plants awaken and start in growth immediately after extracting from the repository. If you put them in the cold again - they will die. With the plus temperatures of seedlings in the package can be maintained up to three weeks.
  • Saplings planted in an open ground from April to August. It is recommended to pre-prepare areas for landing. The beds for the spring landing are prepared from autumn, and for autumn in two or three weeks. The soil fertilize with manure (10-15 kg per m²), potash salt (30-40 g per m²) and superphosphate (50-60 g per m²).
  • The roots of seedlings should be protected from drying out. They should be placed in water or sprinkle with wet soil.
  • When landing, you should carefully straighten the roots, avoiding chances and damage.
  • Wells need to do a little more than the root system. Roots should be sprinkled with soil, ravage and pour and abundantly. Top kidney when landing should be at the ground level.
  • If seedling was purchased before the start of the season, in February-March, plants can be planted in pots. Choose vases with a volume of at least 500 ml and light nutritious substrate. Roots can be carefully trimmed in height pot to avoid the chances. After stable heat is established, seedlings from the pots are transplanted into open ground.

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