"The leader for me is a house on Budenny": the author of the uncomfortable city's video blog illuminates reviews about the areas of Grodno


Vitaly Badel studied at the electronics engineer, but over time he retrained into a web designer and began to study design. In March 2021, he started a video blog on YouTube, where he tells about problem areas in Grodno. About the "uncomfortable city" Vitaly correspondent HRODNA.LIFE.

First, Vitaly wanted to write a few articles about Grodno neighborhoods: show their pros and cons. But, having talked with friends, he decided to create a video blog. Says, so people will better perceive his idea. So far, Vitaly has four videos and 34 subscribers.

"I got this topic thanks to the channel of the Russian blogger Ilya Varlamov. After his rollers, my eyes opened and I began to look at everything around differently. He began to see the problems not only in the improvement of areas, but also in the work of the city administration as a whole. "

Who is Ilya Varlamov?

Ilya Varlamov is a Russian public figure and video unit, author of YouTube-channel "Varlamov" with 2.24 million subscribers. Most of the materials of Varlamov are devoted to urbanistics (science on the development of different urban systems). Ilya travels through the cities of Russia and other countries and prepares materials about the urban environment, public transport and other aspects of the life of cities.

Vitaly sees different problems in the city: from the improvement of the yard sites to the unwillingness of the neighbors to communicate with each other.

"I want to achieve people to start seeing problems and ruin around them. So that they began to demand from the administration and Housing to work in good faith. "

One of the problems of Vitaly calls thoughtless solutions when designing. For example, when cheap materials are used, which in half a year they take place.

Highlight a good area difficult

The most problematic places in Grodno - sleeping areas, says Vitaly. He believes that there are poorly organized platforms, most of which are given to parking.

"It is very difficult to identify a good area, each has its pros and cons. The leader for me is a house on the Budenny, 28. I can call it the best in the city. He has a fully closed territory, there is an underground parking, the first floors are given to the shops and cafes, there is an open roof. "

"I want to make reviews on all areas of the city"

Vitaly himself lives in Olshanka. About this microdistrict he took off his first video. He did the next issue about Foleus after saw in one of the urban editions material about the "best area of ​​the city".

"I want to make reviews on all areas of the city. I was already offered to tell about bikes and why they are bad. There is an idea to tell about playgrounds and playgrounds for walking dogs. "

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