Love Sobol revealed the details of his criminal case


Love Sobol revealed the details of his criminal case 13173_1

Lawyer Foundation for the Fight of Corruption (FBK) Love Sabol published a video in which he told about the details of his criminal case on violation of the housing immunity. We are talking about the apartment of the alleged poisoner Alexey Navalny FSB employee Konstantin Kudryavtseva.

Sobat said that on the morning of December 25, several people, among whom were an armed riot police officers and people in civilians, arranged a search in her apartment and seized her six-year-old daughter's laptop. Before being taken to interrogation, the security officials refused to leave the room and "forced to change themselves with them," says lawyer FBK.

Sobol brought to the General Investigation Department in Moscow, then she was in the status of a witness in a criminal case. There she spent 16 hours, she was interrogated five times. Only on December 25, 12 investigative actions were held and 9 experts were appointed.

A special investigative group of six investigators on particularly important affairs was created in the case of the case, she said. One of the investigators - Ivan Gilev, who was engaged in the Moscow Dear, headed in the summer of 2019. After protesting against the inadequate of opposition deputies to the elections to the Moscow City Duma.

In the office of the investigator, Sobol took a medical mask and removed shoes from it to send to the examination of DNA.

The criminal case against the lawyer of the FBK was initiated on the statement of the mother-in-law of Konstantin Kudryavtseva Saturday. G. V. This was stated in a copy of the decision that sable familiarized himself. The ruling said that the lawyer applied physical violence to Saturotina, due to which she experienced "moral and physical pain."

According to the investigators, sable broke into the Kudryavtsev apartment in the form of an employee of Rospotrebnadzor.

The Courier is witnessing a criminal case. At first, he gave testimony against sable, but at the embonstruction confirmed that she did not enter the apartment to Saturday and did not threaten her, the lawyer of FBK said. Subbotin itself was stated that the door to the apartment always keeps open. She was also confused in the testimony, and the protocols show different rooms of the apartments - then 37, then 38.

On December 21, Alexey Navalny told that he phoned with his alleged poisoner and an FSB officer Konstantin Kudryavtsev. Navalny under the guise of Assistant Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev learned some details of the attack, for example, that the poison was applied to the inner seams of panties policies. On the same day, the police detained Love Sobol at the Kudryavtsev House.

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