The child ate the dough for the modeling: what to do?


Parents from early childhood try to comprehensively

Kids: Watching pictures with them, offer educational games and, of course, give plasticine. For small kids, salt dough is best suited, which can be done or purchased in the store. Bright, colorful mass is well tough, acquires a different shape and develops a small motility of a child. But, as it often happens, the crumb will surely want to try to taste colored plasticine. What to do if the baby still ate the masses for modeling while

For a second distracted?

The child ate the dough for the modeling: what to do? 1316_1

What plasticine is better to play kids

Plasticine is the safest, which Mom made the most natural ingredients. Of the cooking salt, water, flour and food dyes, it turns out a great mass for modeling. It is well tough, soft, elastic, and when it is frozen, interesting figures are obtained. But not always, the parents have the opportunity and the desire to mess with the manufacture of salt dough. It is much easier to buy a ready-made set of multicolored plasticine and immediately start sculpt with the baby.

Most popular with children's plasticine "Playlis". It is represented in a large color palette, it smells like, soft and tactile. But children, as a rule, immediately want to try fragrant, bright masses for taste.

The child ate the dough for the modeling: what to do? 1316_2

What if the child ate a piece of "play-to"?

Products of this brand have all the necessary quality certificates, which says that it is absolutely harmless to young children. Experts reassure their parents: "The play-to-before plasticine is a clay that will not harm the body." Plasticine does not contain harmful toxins, but it is necessary to buy it in the store, where the seller will provide all the necessary documents confirming the authenticity of the goods. Parents should not panic if they found that Kroch tried to taste a soft, fragrant mass for modeling.

What could be the consequences of tasting

Pediatricians advise to observe the reaction of the body after the kid ate plasticine. You can give drinking water, and no more auxiliary means need to be applied. But still, the "play-to" may include ingredients (for example, gluten or dye), for which the baby may have an allergic reaction. If you know that some particular substances are allergens for your child, carefully read the composition before you buy bright plasticine jars.

The child ate the dough for the modeling: what to do? 1316_3

Also importantly, in what quantity the "play-to" launched. A small piece, most likely, will not harm. If the crumb has managed to eat enough plasticine, the appearance of food disorder, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea is possible. As soon as one of the listed symptoms appear, you need to immediately appeal for medical help. Self-treatment in this case is strictly prohibited.

Parents tell

Karina, Mom 3-year-old wiki:

"I really like the sets of" play-to ". In my childhood, there was no such diversity of educational games, and now you can buy any "play-to": the factory of ice cream, hairdresser, Mr. Tubstiki, princesses, pizzeria, etc. Vika has many sets of "play-to", and we still buy plasticine. It smells tasty, soft, nice to-peel. But there is one problem: the children love to try to taste what they have in their hands. It would seem that Victoria is already a fairly adult child to understand - plasticine do not eat, they are pushed out of it. But I regularly notice that she pulls the dough to the mouth. There were no consequences. I, of course, the first time was panicoval, gave activated carbon, poured water. Then she calmed down, because it is a child, and he has already tried sand, dirty leaves on the street, blasting. It is impossible to keep track of the kids, but I will no longer be hysteria about the little piece of plasticine. "

Svetlana, Mom 2-year Sofia:

"I do not buy a wailing daughter until I buy. I prefer to do the dough for modeling myself. Of course, it's also scary that she will try it, because there is a lot of salt, and this is very harmful to the body. When Sonya sculpts something, I always am next to and watch her so that she did not drag anything in her mouth. Dyes I use only natural, such as beet or ink juice. In the future I plan to acquire several sets of "play-to", but only when Sonya becomes older. I am a very disturbing mother, I worry about Sonino health and well-being, I try to grow in maximum security. "

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