Ivanovtsev's expenses with the beginning of Spring crossed the level of 5,500 rubles

Ivanovtsev's expenses with the beginning of Spring crossed the level of 5,500 rubles 1311_1
Photo: m.ok.ru.

From March 1 to March 7, 2021, weekly expenses increased to a level of 5509 rubles. According to Romir's research holding, it is 6.1% (317 rubles) more than the previous week, and by 14.6% of rubles (702 rubles) more than the amount of weekly expenses of the 9th week of 2020.

At the same time, if you compare the current indicators with the average annual, we will see a noticeable increase of 19.5% (898 rubles).

Data source: Romir, March 2021

The InR (weekly expense index) of the Romir Research Holding shows the dynamics of consumption of everyday demand for Russian households in Russia. The index is calculated for each calendar week based on data obtained by the Romir Consumer Scan Panel panel.

Since the beginning of the year, housing and communal services are raised in our region, fare and products, reported earlier "Ivanovo news".

The rise in price housing and communal services will be sharp on all points. In 2021, gas tariffs will be indexed by an average of 3%. In addition, from July 1, 2021, tariffs for garbage collection will grow (by 4%). The cost of heat supply services, water supply and drainage will be increased by 4%. These are average indicators in Russia.

Each region has the right to set its tariffs that will be in the range of 3.4-6.4%. Also stops the moratorium on fines and shutdown housing and communal services for non-payment.

The fare in urban transport will grow, wrote "Ivanovo News".

Since May 2021, mandatory labeling of dairy products will begin to introduce. In connection with these requirements, prices will grow.

In 2021, excise rates for cigarettes, tobacco products and electronic cigarettes will grow by 20% instead of planned 4. Also, since the beginning of the year, new minimum prices for alcohol will begin to operate. Vodka will rise from 230 to 243 rubles. For 0.5 liters, sparkling wines - from 164 to 169 rubles. for 0.75 liters, cognac - from 433 to 445 rubles. For zero-five. The price of the cheapest brandy, Calvados and other distillates will grow from 315 to 324 rubles.

As for food, they are becoming more expensive with the elusive naked eye speed.

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