How to get along with a neighbor?

How to get along with a neighbor? 13099_1
How to get along with a neighbor? Photo: Depositphotos.

Neighbors in the country, in the doorway and on the site, a neighbor in the coupe, on the street ... Neighbors in life accompany us, they are near. We live with these people, conflict and mine, we argue about something small, help each other, cut down. There are different situations, everything is as usual.

Friends and our children are walking together on the river, ride bikes, play one game on the Internet, sometimes quarrels, sometimes fall in love and marry. Then the neighbors become watches. Interestingly, in one of the countries of Europe there is even a holiday "Day of the neighbors". I think that this is right, let them sneak over a common table, will talk to common topics, drink the glass of wine, sing a soul song.

But in life there are different situations. We can be offended by a neighbor for being a bit broken between the plots or too closely planted a shrub, complaining that the neighbor in the evening something drill or listens to music listens. The neighbor violated peace or put the car near the entrance to your place. Remembered?

How to get along with a neighbor? 13099_2
Neighbors on vacation photo: Oleg Ustinov, personal archive

We had a case. We never close the door in the apartment. Sing, early in the morning me and the spouse in the bedroom there will be a neighbor: "Is there a 50 mm carnations?" Well, because of this to be offended by a neighbor? He asked, I got up and shared. No one died, nothing happened, everyone is alive and healthy. True, since that time the spouse began to close the door overnight, and I told this story at work as a new anecdote.

Now, in the age of rapid development of society, sometimes our troubles are leveled by other problems, but this remains and we live with it. You need to learn how to live rationally, respecting the opinion of the neighbor, you need to be able to fall small, you need to be able to carefully listen to another opinion. Let the neighbor be lower than the status in society, but he and his family are also looking for a place under the sun. It must be understood, you need to agree with this, you need to put up with it.

Imagine the situation that for your neighbor you are the closest person. It is no longer for him to trust, you have no one to share my difficulties without anyone to ask for money in a difficult moment. In gratitude, this person can make for you a hundred times more sacrificial act. It happens very often. You can also have trouble, and first of all the neighbor will come to the aid. In a difficult moment, we always appeal to the neighbors. Native and relatives can live very far, and the neighbor is always there.

Cases of conflicts are with a neighbor, they are in your family. One does not like the curiosity of neighbors, other conversations behind the back, the third - night entertainment or their pets. In any situation, you need to put yourself in the scene of the neighbor, understand the problem, sometimes just calmly talk. You never need to exacerbate relationships with neighbors, it will never lead to a good outcome.

As Mikhail Zadornov said correctly and correctly: "Non-Roy is a pit, otherwise he uses it like a trench." Only through a compromise, through a small concession, a conflict can be resolved through a drop of victims of their interests. A neighbor will certainly appreciate your act and next time you will give way to you.

Sometimes a neighbor is aggressive, very excited, rude. Speak on tone quieter, let us understand that you are not conflict to conflict, and the scandal will never. Sometimes you can increase the voice, having strictly warned: "There will be no scandal!" Specified your attitude and speak quietly again, the scaby from this will be uncomfortable and ashamed.

Always remember:

  • All people are different, our views on validity are different - you like one, neighbor is different, find a compromise;
  • Always welcome the neighbor;
  • Encourage the friendship of your children, teach their culture of behavior;
  • Keep your entrance clean and order;
  • Communicate, help your neighbor, keep out in a difficult minute;
  • by any paths leave from the brewing conflict;
  • Always set up exclusively to positive.

Fuck! Recently met its neighbor in social networks. It turns out that we are in the same interest group. I also did not know that my neighbor has the same hobby like me. Told - exactly, everything is really.

Guys let's be friends!

Author - Oleg Ustinov

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