What is bonsai?

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What is bonsai? Photo: Depositphotos.

Pupitively, the Japanese began to surprise the whole world with the ability to grow in small flower pots dwarf variants of shrubs and trees. Having stealing the borders of Japan, this art has spread the world. And now the miniature trees whose age reaches several decades, appear in the homes of residents of European and Asian countries, as well as the American continent.

Around the world, exhibitions of dwarf plants began to be held. Special firms, following fashion, started growing miniature trees for sale. And tiny juniper, ficuses, bamboo and pines of the most bizarre forms settled through a variety of balconies, terraces and window sills.

What is bonsai?

The name of the botanical art of Bonsai consists of two parts. One indicates something like a flat vessel, and the second is the process of growing plants. Culture Bonsai itself is rooted in Asian religious teachings.

Bonsai is an ancient culture that was until the XVIII century in Japan and China of the privilege of nobles and clergy. It is known that the age of the oldest copies that are today in the Japanese Imperial House reaches 500-700 years.

In Europe, this ancient art fell at the end of the XIX century during the international exhibition in Paris, and later, at the beginning of the 20th century - in London.

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Photo: ilyessuti, pixabay.com

The cultivation of miniature trees is subordinate to certain principles:

  • Formation of the trunk as the main line, which will subsequently obey all branches of the plant;
  • avoiding any symmetry when forming a tree;
  • A ban on the use of a detailed number of trees with the exception of two.

Plants in the Bonsai technique are grown in the following forms:

  1. Miniature bonsai. A plant grown in this technique has a height from 6 to 15 cm and quite compact.
  2. Room bonsai. This group includes small plants that are prone to webly. Such copies all year round can be indoors and do not need winter peace.
  3. Miniature landscape. Bonsai, created in this technique, reproduces whole areas of the landscape, in addition to the plant itself, and contains other landscape elements - for example, the shore of the lake or the flowing river. This becomes possible with a careful selection of stones, vegetable material, soil.

Bonsai culture implies proper design. Being a memoir about nature, it should bear harmony. Everything should be harmonious: and correctly selected pot, and the shape of the trunk of plants and its crowns, and decorative elements, recreation of the details of the landscape surrounding the tree in nature.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

It is important to pay attention to the choice of pot. In shape and colors, he should not compete with a plant. Most preferred are brown and blue shades.

The stand under the pot is of great importance. According to experts in the field of bonsai, this is an integral part of the composition.

How to care for bonsai?

Correct care is extremely important for miniature plants.

First of all, it is necessary to provide appropriate lighting. It will take a bright place on the window, it is especially important to pay attention to the proper lighting in the autumn-winter period. Light deficiency is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the state of the bonsai plants.

Another important element of care, on which the state of the plants depends is a timely regular watering.

Bonsai is grown mainly of seeds, although some deciduous rocks can multiply in a vegetative way.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Of great importance in the cultivation is attached to the substrate, mainly due to a small space for the development of roots. Some species cultivate in MCU, since it responds to almost all requirements for the substrate: has a lucked structure, it is capable of holding water and nutrients.

  • Most of the hardwood feels well in the substrate consisting of fine-grained sand and clay.
  • For blooming and fruiting plants, deciduous humus are added to the ground.

The formation of the configuration of the trunk and crown is art that includes many different techniques. In order to avoid unnecessary growing of the plant, both roots and crowns, bonsai cut off regularly, trying to do the pruning sites as less visible as possible. A characteristic general type of plant during trimming should be saved.

The size and size of the pot depends on the shape and magnitude of the plant, which grows in it. In the high capacity plant plants with powerful reprehensive barrel or ampelphic species. For powerful spreading trees, oval or square tanks are recommended. Growing absolutely vertically instances are planted into rectangular or square containers. At the bottom of them there should be holes for the flow of excess water, and the surface covered with icing will contribute to a slower drying of the soil.

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Photo: ilyessuti, pixabay.com

What plants are suitable for bonsai?

More others for year-round cultivation at home are suitable:

  • Figure varicinal varieties, for example, Ficus Benjamin, Aralia, Tree thousands of stars, Mulechativate Sheffler;
  • Tolstanks of various varieties, Portulak, Mirr, Rosemary, some varieties of cypress and geranium are also considered suitable species;
  • Evergreen plants - deciduous, coniferous and juniper - retain a permanent appearance.

Falls of trees and shrubs, despite their miniature and special conditions of existence, live in a seasonal rhythm characteristic of them: in the fall they are pleasing to the multi-colored crown, and in the spring - fresh leaflets, flowering, and later and fruits.

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Photo: Depositphotos.

Many of the plants suitable for the formation of compositions in the Bonsai technique occur from the tropics and subtropics. They require complex regular care, good lighting and timely irrigation. Proper care is a prerequisite for the successful formation of the bonsai composition.

Author - Ekaterina Majorova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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