Mased mode can be preserved after mass vaccination of people from coronavirus


Mased mode can be preserved after mass vaccination of people from coronavirus 13076_1
Mased mode can be preserved after mass vaccination of people from coronavirus

Many representatives of the scientific world and medicine call on to cancel the wearing masks, because It can only harm the health of people, but there is no way that helped prevent an even greater increase in the number of coronavirus infected.

Mandatory wearing masks during the pandemic period are enshrined in the legislation of many countries, but even if most of the living people on the planet will vaccinate with a vaccine from COVID-19, this does not mean a sharp cancellation of the mask regime in most countries.

As an abolition of the mask mode, an example is given from the second wave of a pandemic when people alone were ready to deteriorate the situation with the epidemic from the beginning of the autumn of 2020. However, many people ignored the requirements for the obligatory use of masks in public places, which led to a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus infected.

Many experts are confident that the mandatory wearing masks must be preserved for several years, because Vaccines cannot give 100% guarantee protection against coronavirus infection. Moreover, vaccines are able to protect a person from infection for a period of 3 to 5 months, so it will be necessary to be vaccinated at least 2 times a year.

Cases of re-infection COVID-19 are not single, and time is needed on the production of antibodies. If a person refuses carrying a protective mask during an insufficient number of antibodies in the body, then this may lead to infection, so doctors pay attention to the importance of maintaining the mask regime even after vaccination of most of the world's population.

Separately there is the emergence of new virus mutations, which can be immune to existing vaccines. No preparation of this type is able to ensure that future COVID-19 mutations will not cause the occurrence of other waves of the epidemic, but if the mask mode is preserved, it will protect many people from possible infection.

And finally, experts to study the virus note that many people are infected with coronavirus, but do not suspect about it. They consider themselves healthy, they have no symptoms of the disease, but they are able to infect other people if individual protective equipment is used to which medical masks belong.

It is difficult to judge the deadline for the end of the mask mode. This decision to go to high-ranking officials who do not always understand the risks associated with the abolition of certain restrictions, but decisions should be made from accounting statistics on the number of infections in a separate country.

Recall that during the pandemic, more than 105 million people infected with coronavirus were revealed. The largest number of infected is registered in the United States, Brazil, India and the UK. Russia ranks 5th by the number of infected.

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