In the Nizhnevartovsky horse club are looking for money on the proximity of horses

In the Nizhnevartovsky horse club are looking for money on the proximity of horses 1303_1
In the Nizhnevartovsky horse club are looking for money on the proximity of horses

In frosts special attention to animals. Guests of a small equestrian center near Nizhnevartovsky can stay without hay. Shelter for horses Catherine Koltsova created several years ago. Now there are 11 animals here. Among them are Orlovsky Rysaki, Wales and Scottish Pony. Most of them Catherine, in essence, saved life. Exhausted horses former owners sold on slaughter. Now, none of the wards of ring for general health complains. But the farm lasted another problem. In the cold winter, the stocks of the hay dried earlier than usual. The current is enough for a maximum of a month. Now Catherine is looking for ways to feed horses to warm days.

Economy Catherine Koltsova exists in rigid winter mode. Now each horse requires up to 40 kilograms of the hay per day. All together eat almost 450. This is a normal frost appetite. But everything is more complicated to satisfy his hostess: and it is necessary to feed more often, and the hay is already on the outcome.

Ekaterina Koltsova, Head of the IPPO Center: "To produce heat, the horse should absorb much more feed, which is considered rude. This is hay. There, vitamins, trace elements that are needed to produce fat, which serves as warm for a horse. "

The norm of the hay, which was enough for the whole season, this time will end at the beginning of spring. The farm requires another wagon of the hay. It is 40 rolls, and it costs 120 thousand rubles.

Pets are mourned - Catherine can not sleep well, even fell ill from experiences. Horses - his whole life. Professional vet and horner, Koltsova worked for some time in horseback clubs for hiring, and 10 years ago threw the city apartment and moved to live on the farm. The first pet rose a horse.

"I took it personally for myself. I did not think that there would be a club that the children would be engaged. She was sold on meat. Her character was restless. I re-educate it, "says Ekaterina Koltsov.

Blue-eyed beautiful nyushu - she literally nursed in her arms. The previous owner sold a pony to the skils of dogs. The announcement caught the eye ring. She managed to buy an animal first.

For several years, improvised shelter turned into a club, and then in the IPPO center. Here the horses not only live, but also work: carry adults, ride and even treat.

Alena Korolev, a student of Catherine Koltsova: "Horses give a sea of ​​positive emotions. For children, this is the most important thing when you care for horses. Positive emotions are most affected by physical health. " However, it is difficult to rejoice when there is nothing to eat. Until the end of March there is still time. But it is not so much: the hay must deliver from the Tyumen region. To date, 50 thousand rubles have already collected in the center. These are voluntary donations, as well as funds from the sale of certificates for walking and photo shoots. It remains to find a little more than half of the amount.

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