In the main "Kremlin cook" saw the secret brother Stalin

In the main

After the October Revolution of 1917, representatives of the exploitative classes had to be tightly, they were pursued and oppressed. A similar fate was supposed to comprehend the Egnatashvili brothers, who were descendants of the princely kind of Georgia, whose father owned several restaurants.

However, for them everything was different. Instead of persecution and persecution, they were actually overwhelmed by the Bolsheviks. Especially successful was the fate of the younger brother - Alexander. He managed to reach the title of General NKVD. It is possible that the career growth he was obliged to relatives with Joseph Stalin himself.

State Security Commissioner A. Ya. Egnatashvili /

Georgian merchant of the 2nd guild of Yakov Egnatashvili, along with his family, at the end of the 19th century lived in Gori. The man had the vineyards in the property, therefore was considered a major vinechild. At that time, in his house worked by the launch of Ekaterina Geladze - the mother of Stalin. There are information that Ekaterina became pregnant from Yakov Egnatashvili, and not from her husband Vissarion Jugashvili. The last thing that year worked at a shoe factory in Tiflis.

Historian Simon SEBAG-Montefiore notes that one day Catherine Jugashili said a phrase, which can be regarded differently: "Egnatashvili always tried to help us in creating our family." Naturally, no other evidence of the biological paternity of Yakov, Egnatashvili, did not exist. It is worth noting that the sons of the merchant were very friendly with Joseph Jugashvili, because he spent a lot of time in their home.

In the main
Vasily Yakovlevich Egnatashvili /

Vasily Yakovlevich-Senior Son of the merchant participated in revolutionary activities. During the authorities of Joseph Stalin, he served as secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR.

His brother Alexander was lucky even more. That's how his life has developed. I studied in the school in Georgia, he took up the Circus French Wrestling (he was a champion on the National Martial Arts of Chidaoba). He was called "Handsome Caucasian" and he won a lot of victories in the arena. However, a successful career had to be completed, because his father wanted the Son to continue his business. Taking the starting capital, Alexander went to Baku to trade wine in the restaurant. In Tiflis, he returned only when the business began to flourish. The revolution and all its consequences did not affect the case of Egnatashvili. Alexander owned the restaurant until the end of the 20s, while after coagulation of the NEP, he was not arrested for non-payment of taxes. Soon he was liberated, of course, not without the participation of Stalin, and he went to Moscow. His life has changed cool, and all charges are removed. And how else, now he held the position of head of the House of Recreation of Cyca in Foros.

Career growth did not make himself wait: Egnatashvili transferred to Moscow to the position of director of holiday homes. And since 1937 he took the position of Deputy Head of Stalin's Protection at the Economic Part. In fact, he was a cook and a manager of Pirov under Stalin. Egnatashvili personally tried all the dishes that came to the leader's table was the menu. It was he, Alexander Egnatashvili, is a kind of source of "Kremlin cuisine", combining Russian, Caucasian and French dishes.

Alexander Egnatashvili is the owner of the Order of Cutuzov I degree, the title of Major General of State Security. He was honored with his participation in the holding of the Yalta Conference. He died in 1948. Vasily Egnatashvili died in the late 1950s.

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