More than 158.4 billion BYN: debts of Belarus enterprises broke historical records


So many flagship companies have not been required for the entire period of statistics. The increase in liabilities of large and medium-sized businesses has become maximum for the fifth anniversary. By January 1, 2021, the total debts of the flagship enterprises exceeded 158.4 billion BYN.

More than 158.4 billion BYN: debts of Belarus enterprises broke historical records 13005_1

This means that a new record has been installed in terms of debt: the former lasted only 2 months and was equal to 157 billion BYN. For the 2020th obligations of large and medium-sized companies increased by 19.3%. This is the maximum speed in the past five-year plan: in 2016 and 2019 was an increase of 7.4%, in 2017 - by 12.9%, in 2018 - by 10.7%.

The rapid increase in enterprises' debts ensured a high proportion of currency in their loans, loans and creditors to the devaluation of the Belarusian "bunny" to the dollar, euro and the Russian ruble, reports

In terms of money, the total debts of the flagships for 2020 increased by 25.6 billion BYN. For comparison: for the 2019th increase amounted to 9.2 billion BYN, for the 2018th - 11.9 billion BYN, for the 2017th - 12.8 billion BYN, for the 2016th - 6.8 billion BYN.

In general, in the fifth anniversary of the debt of large and medium-sized companies grew by 66.3 billion BYN. If the Belarusian ruble continues to be significantly depreciated against the currencies of the National Bank's basket, the new records in terms of the magnitude of the total debt flagship will be provided.

The total liabilities of enterprises consist of debts on loans and loans and creditors. At the beginning of 2021, the loans and loans of the flagship reached 96.9 billion BYN, the creditor - 61.5 billion BYN. For the 2020 loans and loans in the ruble equivalent jumped by 23.8%, the creditor - by 12.8%.

In the territorial context, Minsk (44.8 billion BYN) occupied the first place in the total debt debts. For 2020, the debts of the metropolitan companies increased by 22%.

The fastest growth in debt showed the business of the Minsk region - by 26.2% to 26 billion BYN. In the Brest region, the obligations of enterprises amounted to 9.9 billion BYN (+ 16.1%), Vitebsk - 13.5 billion BYN (+ 11.1%), Gomel - 25.4 billion BYN (+ 17.2%), Grodno - 25.4 billion BYN (+ 21.4%), Mogilev - 13.4 billion BYN (+ 9.9%).

Among the sectors of the economy also owed the enterprises of the industry - 77.2 billion BYN (+ 18.5%). Inside the industrial in the size of the obligations were allocated by the food processing (12.1 billion BYN), woodworking and cellulosen (10.5 billion BYN), mechanical engineering (7.8 billion BYN), manufacturers of non-metallic products (7.5 billion BYN).

In agriculture, the total debts of the flagship reached 14.9 billion BYN, in construction - 20 billion BYN, in trade - 18.6 billion BYN, on transport - 7.6 billion BYN.

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