Why Kurtzis is popular


Why Kurtzis is popular 13000_1
Theodore Kurtzis

Now Theodore Kurtzis and his Musicaeterna Orchestra, recently former Perm, - Petersburgers, their base - the house of the radio. From there they began to make bars in Moscow, which the permanent partner of the orchestra takes care, VTB Bank. After several concerts in the Conservatory, the Orchestra performed in the charge hall, where the listeners are still planted through one or pairs. Tickets are expensive, but they are not only buying, but asked at the entrance. Theodore Kurtanzis is very in demand, and it is absolutely deserved.

Two sides of Kurtzisisa

He is not from those artists who love to work the crawls: Kurtzis is a painstaking worker, for which there are no little things. Otherwise, why all the well-known symphones of Beethoven or Tchaikovsky come out by him as if we did not hear them before? In the same gift, from the current conductor, unless Mikhail Plentnev - the winsted masterpieces also sound like yesterday from under the pen. From the conductors of the past, they say, Gustav Malener had such skill.

However, this time Kurtzis did not play famous music at all. This is another side of his talent - the opening of new territories. In this case, it can be compared with Vladimir Yurovsky, who played us, perhaps, even more Russian and world prime ministers. But if Yurovsky tries to enlighten it in good faith, adding a lecture, then Kurtomis, on the contrary, ducklings - literally: the scene is often sinking in the darkness, well, if the musicians themselves can see the notes on the consoles.

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Theodore Kurtzis Photo: Alexandra Muravyova

How to play saw in the dark

One of the plots of the last concert in the "charge" was a saw - a household instrument, bought at the store "Lerua Merlen". On the saw played a wonderful violinist Vladislav Pesin. The gentle sound, which he removed from the canvas with a bow from the double bass, was heard in the exotic cycle of a modern American of George Krama "Ancient Voices of Children" on the texts of Federico Garcia Lorca, who opened the program, and in the sorrowful song of the English genius of the beginning of the XVII century John Doweland WEEP You no more Sad Fountains slowly played on BC, when on the clock in a grateful public was already more than 23.00.

Humor, accompanying the execution of an unknown repertoire, was that no one saw the saw: everything drowned in esoteric darkness, and only the most curious connoisseurs of music, asking the enlightened acquaintances, learned that the tool performed so beautiful solo.

Mentioned George Crave today is 91 years old, and he knows around the world, including us: back in the 1970s. The music of Krama performed the ensemble of the Bolshoi Theater under the control of Alexander Lazarev. Thus, Kurtnthis fits into the long tradition of the Russian scene - to execute the world avant-garde, despite the fashion and official installations.

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Theodore Kurtzis Photo: Alexandra Muravyova

How to combine avant-garde with prowance

The German Mother Helmut Lahenman, to which 85. After in 2001, Karlhainz Shatokhausen was sick for his admiration for September 11, the sympathies of the progressive German audience were moved to Lahenman. By that time, he had long been listed by the inventor of "specific instrumental music". In theory, when the cello beat, like on the drum, and the air balloon is blowing into the pipe, as if influencing the balloon, the listener should sense himself witness the intricate performance. The Musicaeterna Orchestra played "... Two feelings ..." Lahenman on the text of Leonardo da Vinci with incredible sophistication, but part of the public did not stand up and worn out to exit.

She deprived himself more harmonious music, which he wrote to Alexander Zeldovich "Medea" Alexey Retinsky. He is 34 years old, and he is attached to the Musicaeterna orchestra as a "composer-in-residence". Taking care of such a talented employee, Kurtommis follows the practice common in the West: True, a similar position held in the state club under the control of Vladimir Yurovsky deceased Alexander Vastin.

In such programs, Kurtanzis easily connects an uncomfortable avant-garde on another, quite harmonious modern music - an example was the "Psalm" ARVo Pärot, played so quietly, which would not hear the mouse, as well as with the music of ancient: in Chacon Henry Persell (also England, the end of XVII C.) A conductor, on the contrary, emphasized the avant-garde of consonant. The combined interest in old and new music is a Soviet tradition of the 1960s: then Andrei Volkonsky wrote avant-garde compositions, and at the same time he played the Clavesis and led the Madrigal ensemble.

And finally, the most serious concert of Kurtstomis is rarely without a pop room for a snack. This time, they became the "musical joke" of the Salzburg master of the same XVII century Heinrich von Bieber "Batalia" - with Topot, shouts, moans and intentionally untreated game of a great thrown orchestra.

The last concert was immediately a lot of key terms, of which the attractiveness of Theodore Kurtstanisis is: the original repertoire (in cases where he plays not all well-known masterpieces, giving them the quality of the first freshness), the highest level of musical performance, sorrowful and elevated mood, theatricalness and elevation Estraity. A minus can be considered exaggerated seriousness - but it is not forbidden to sit in the dotches of the auditorium, smiling to his thoughts.

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