Realtor told if it is possible to buy an apartment in Krasnodar for a million rubles

Realtor told if it is possible to buy an apartment in Krasnodar for a million rubles 12993_1

Complex, unstable, but the interesting profession of realtor manits many. Someone comes for a week, and someone remains in the profession forever.

In Krasnodar, the realtor profession is very popular, because the turnover of real estate has long overtook all the cities of Russia, except Moscow. It is understandable - warm climate, the proximity of the sea makes their job and many dream of living in the southern capital.

The first thing you need to know the inexperienced reader is that the price for real estate is very high in Krasnodar. Prices are comparable to Petersburg, but it is only from the fact that the owners are greedy.

Therefore, you should not give money for the first favorite object. When the owners understand that their price is not justified by anything, then gradually begin to reduce it. A decrease of 100, or even 200 thousand from the initially stated price, no one will not surprise anyone.

There are cases when the owner sold the object for 5 million rubles, and in the end agreed to sell it for 3. That is, the amount of the transaction was reduced almost twice. This is a serious reason to think.

It is not necessary to go far for an example. I myself bought a land plot on which now I am building a house for 1,700,000 rubles, although the former owner initially asked for him 3.3 million.

On the other hand, any real estate sooner or later finds its buyer. If you take as an example, the district of the streets of the intelligence heroes, then before the Olympics of the apartment in it cost no more than 2 million rubles. Now nothing is cheaper than 3 million not found, and something with a normal finish will cost from 4 million and higher.

My girlfriend from Kemerovo at the time invested the money in the construction of two apartments. For each she gave 2 million rubles. Now she sold one apartment for 4 million rubles, and herself lives in the second. It is easy to understand that today she actually received housing for the fact that in time he was hungry.

Realtor told if it is possible to buy an apartment in Krasnodar for a million rubles 12993_2
Apartment in Krasnodar

A frequent question that people who are looking for housing are asked:

Can I buy an apartment in Krasnodar for one million rubles?

If you open the sites of Cyan or Avito, then such offers will be a pond pond. But you should not trust them. These are fakes that have nothing to do with reality.

But this does not mean that there are no apartments for this price in Krasnodar. They are, but it will be the rooms in the hostel, the share (or they are also called "particles") in the old center or self-massol of the musical microdistrict.

I think it should not once again tell me that there are constant problems with water, heating and light in such apartments.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice: in Krasnodar, as in any other city of Russia everything is worth its money. No one wants to part with a good for a snot.

I wish you to find such an apartment that will delight you, and not the one that will be commercially profitable for you. After all, the cost is not only from the place, but also from a moral attitude to your property.

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