14 people told what their life turned around after they adopted someone else's child


The adoption of the child is a complex process, tense, full of hopes and absolutely changing the usual way of life. Someone in the Unigteen acquires a family whose bonds are tight of any blood ties, and someone spends the years, trying to build a relationship step by step, but it does not find points in contact.

We in adme.ru are convinced that people who decide to adoption should possess not only a big heart, but also courage and patience. And then there is a chance that someone else's child will become truly relatives.


Parents adopted my older brother. All relatives and acquaintances were confident that they would not be able to grow a normal man that nothing good would be released. Because genes. As a result, my brother finished school with a gold medal, and a university with a red diploma. This is the only person who will always support me and regardless of the situation remains kind and sincere. I really appreciate and respect my native brother. Gennes are one, and love and education is a completely different matter. © Overheard / VK


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© alex1983 / Pixabay

My mentor and friend at one time decided to adopt the child. Collected thousands of documents. I was in the list of treated for her, as she adopted the "problem" boy. Everyone said that it would be difficult for her: they say, the child is small, weak and clearly will be lagging in mental development. The boy is 14 years old now, lives with her mother in Montenegro, takes prizes at sports competitions, receives diplomas for the best study at school. As she said, "I just saw that he lacks love." © Timofey Hooks / Facebook


We had a childlessly lived for 8 years and realized that they were ready for adoption. We wanted two boys for 2-3 years. For some reason, I immediately offered a 6-year-old, told a little about his fate of the unfortunate. We wanted to give up, because even what heard was terrible. But when my husband and I saw the photo, looked at our place. There was no handsome on the photo - a bald burrooh something with a torsion smile. But we suddenly became unimportant to him, nor his condition nor past and future problems. There was a clear feeling that our.

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© 21150 / Pixabay

It was more difficult with the second. They offered a boy of 1.5 years, there are practically no problems, at a meeting - pretty, but not ours. Oh, what happened here! "You are not in the store to choose!" - This is the most soft that we heard. But we already knew this feeling, already bumbled problems with the eldest, but the clear feeling of "our" did not disappear, but became stronger and helped us. With reluctance, they offered another, but not our again. There was an ultimatum: either this one or anyone. We were very worried, but still refused. And became enemies of the people. If it were not for success with the eldest, then the guard doors would be closed forever. And then the miracle happened. I saw a photo in the volunteer group, the heart is already frozen. Showed her husband, and he immediately: "So this is our!" We scratched the youngest six months, but we were lucky. Our parent has been 10 years old. I suffered anything, there were problems that were ready to lower your hands, but did not lower - because these are our children. Our 100%. © mari.ar / pikabu


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© Guys / Lenfilm

Our family 8 years ago adopted a 4-year-old boy. Parents spent all the money they copied to the car to make pieces of paper, pick up, dress, shore. Mom went home from work to help him adapt to the new setting. We put all your strength and souls in it. And now there is no desire to love him and want to be native to him. He steals at home, at school among friends, deceives in a large and trifle, is studying on some two. Lazy and narcissist, and he has not yet entered the transitional age. None of any of his parents and believes that everyone is obliged to him. 8 years old nerves and swearing. © Overheard / VK


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© Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

We have fallen daughter when she was 8 years old, we already had a 13-year-old son. I could not have more children, but I really wanted. But in the orphanage, we saw this beautiful girl whose family died in a terrible accident. Now she is already 19, but she never called me mom. All is well, but so far there is a feeling that we are visiting us, not at home. All her relationship with us looks just like gratitude. But I want her to feel native, knew that it was her house too. The words that she screamed 11 years ago, are spinning in the head during our first quarrel that she already has parents and there will never be others anymore. But we love her so much. © Overheard / VK


Two of our children are adopted brothers. I would lie if I said that my wife and I had never thought, were correctly accepted by taking children from the orphanage. But we absolutely never spare about it. At first, the guys were difficult to adapt. But now they realized that they actually love them, and calmed down. Of course, adoptive children will always feel some pain. They can remember their past, while not able to return to it and completely get rid of it. And this is the hardest part associated with adoption. But are there children who have no problems? Of course not. So I am not regretful of adoption. I, on the contrary, thanks so grateful to my children, that I can't even express this with the words! © William Spencer / Quora


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© Fotorieth / Pixabay

Lonely familiar took a 5-year-old girl from the orphanage Dasha. Everything was fine until that at the age of 14 did not open the truth, one "non-indifference" teacher. The daughter threw the roof: accused the receptionive mother in all mortal sins, began to run away from the house, contacted a bad company. She even turned to one famous television show with a request to find a native mother. As a result, it turned out that they found not only the mother, but also the younger sister-weather, which another family adopted. Biological mother, fallen woman, at the meeting did not let Dasha even on the threshold. Sister for all persuasions to reunite with the family firmly replied that she had some parents - those who were brought up. Dasha never was able to forgive her native mother who threw her nor a foster, which so many years hid the fact of adoption from her.


The neighbor has lost its only child in a car accident, when it was 17 years old. After a while, when she was 50 years old, she adopted 6-year-old Greta from another country. The girl had some behavioral problems that later turned into psychological. A neighbor drove her in the doctors, tried a bunch of drugs, but in vain. First, Greta escaped from the house for 14 years. After a couple of months, the escape repeated. The girl explained that he tried to return to the family, who has stole her adoptive mother. When Gret was 16, she disappeared more than a year. And found when the neighbor was called from the hospital in 5 states from the house, and said Greta gave birth and left the ward, leaving a child there and the contacts of his fellow mother. So, in 67 years, the baby fell up on the neighbor. Greta appeared once a year and asked for money from the receiving mother, blackmailing it to take the child. After a couple of years she left one more baby in another hospital. Now the neighbor is already in 80, and she brings up two "grandchildren" with emotional violations. © Jaimystery / Reddit


The best girlfriend died in the accident, a little son remained. I adopted it. My husband from the first marriage-twin daughters, their mother was deprived of parental rights. They lived all together with a friendly family, and I did not even think about the fact that Razchu "Aliens" children, while my own parents began to endure my brain. "Why are you challenging other children? Why drag this Orav for yourself? He finally finally, her baby, his blood! " Children on the general holidays wept the nastiness that they were a prodigyushi and the burden for me. Apoghem became: "Not for that, we gave birth to you, so that you do not even continue our genus!" Hard restricted all the ties, could not tolerate more. The guys rose, matured. I needed a kidney transplant. All children ran to pass tests, although I did not ask them and was silent to the last, but my husband was told. As a result, one of the daughters gave me his kidney. Only after that my parents first called her granddaughter and asked for forgiveness. © Overheard / VK


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© Cook / Film Studio Staralis

Sister with my husband is fruitless. We decided to take a girl from the orphanage, quiet and scored. When the mother-in-law saw her, then screamed: "Thank you! At the end of the years I will not be native grandchildren, and other people's uplift nursing! It is still not clear who this orphan was in the family was. " They calmed mom, they wrote off everything for stress. It took 5 years, and the mother-in-law was not able to accept the receiving granddaughter. Even gifts for the holidays demonstratively buys only the children of the eldest daughter, native grandchildren. In order not to raise the girl once again, and do not so much to praise, sister chatting with mother-in-law has had to cut as much as possible.


I focused a girl when she was 4 years old. Now she is 33, 2 higher education. Lovely daughter! Once I asked her: "Do you feel someone else's knowing that you are a reception?" She replied: "No! I have always been proud that I deserve the family and that you chose me. " Later, my son was born, and now I have two wonderful children. © Erika Cirole / YouTube


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© SevenHeads / Pixabay

When the receiving son was 14, we quarreled, and I don't remember because of what. Suddenly he blurted out that we were not a family to him and that it would be better if we never adopted it. It was hurt, and I gathered with the Spirit, answered: "Yes, I know." Surprisingly, for some reason it became easier for me because the son finally said it out loud. That evening he left home and spent the night with friends. Of course, and my husband and younger son were very worried. Soon after returning home, he apologized for his behavior and for the fact that he escaped. And then his eyes suddenly filled with tears and he said that in fact he would just hurt to be adoptive and that most of all he would like to be native blood to us. It pierced my heart even more than those of his words in a quarrel. I told him that I feel the same. We sat opposite each other and just looked at each other. Soon, even if not immediately, our relationships were improved. © Ruth Alborough / Quora


My youngest daughter came to us to live when she was 10 years old. Rather, this is my middle daughter led her overnight, which lasts for 13 years. At its age, the girl passed through a lot. With her appearance, I first realized that I should love someone without waiting for an answer. That she can never love us in response. That she may never be faithful to us as a family. But only the receptional daughter helped me know himself truly. Please do not get me wrong, I love my biological children with all the films of the soul and would give life for them, but I love a receptional daughter, maybe a little more. She changed our lives and taught us to be the most open and honest. Today, all my four children are friendly and cohesive, like a gang. We are her family, and she is ours. © Renee Lacoste Long / Quora


I decided to write the story of my friend Roman, who became a receptional father in the distant 95th year. Simple driver, spouse Tatiana, son. The wife went to the hospital to give birth daughter. There, some youngster refused to refuse the child. The boy gave birth to painful, shrieking, and the wife of Roma first fed him. The child was to pick up the baby in the house, but since he was a newborn, then at the request of the spouse left her, saying that they would take after 3 days. There was spring, the river went, the ferry had not yet established, iceshirt, there were no roads to the village. Roman brought the guys home and did not think that forever. I thought the road would boil and take a little boy in the Baby House. And when they arrived at the boy, he fell ill and decided not to touch him. Tatyana already said that he would not give anyone to anyone. So called him - son. Submitted an application for adoption, they have a good family, and behind them. Recently, the novel said that Stasu (the boy was called), when it was for about 8 years, one "good, truthful" neighbor told everything. The guy first closed, then asked the parents, they did not deny, told the truth. The son was silent for a long time, and then said: "Well, now I understand why you are all bright, and I'm dark."

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© Weitl / Pixabay

Roman with Tatiana in Novosibirsk moved the whole family. Now the children have already grew, the eldest went to Moscow, the daughter married and went to Krasnodar. Parents do not forget, write, visit visit. But the parents of Stas remained, lives separately, but in the neighboring entrance. Married, works, like a novel, driver. Roman himself said: "I thank the fate and my wife, that I had such a son. As I imagine that it would be with him if Tanya did not see him in the maternity hospital. " Yesterday I learned that Stas had a daughter born, Tanya called, in honor of Mom. © sibirskix / pikabu

Do you know the history of people who decide for adoption? Maybe you yourself became adoptive parents?

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