At night, 68 people were detained during the concert, including the RSP Group. Ministry of Internal Affairs: "Activists of destructive telegrams-channels gathered"

At night, 68 people were detained during the concert, including the RSP Group. Ministry of Internal Affairs:
At night, 68 people were detained during the concert, including the RSP Group. Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Low at night, residents of Smolevichy and the surrounding area were not to sleep. At about 23 o'clock in local chatams flew to the news: the riot police broke into the concert of the Sirtsa Pacan group, which was held on the "Spark" hurry. The participants of the group and visitors were detained. This is what one of the residents of the city says: "Announcement of the concert (more precisely - a public rehearsal) was in small chat rooms and groups, it was due to the capacity of the hall and security. It seems that people from Smolevichy, Zhodino, the Kurgan district of Glory and Minsk were going to come to the speech. In general, somewhere five to six dozen spectators. "

At about midnight, information appeared that people were taken to Smolevichi, local ROVD: "There are a lot of cars near the department." It was also reported that a part of the detainees was driving on their cars, accompanied by Silovikov, who were sitting in the cabin. But this information is not verified. Later, one of the participants of the chat reported that several people were released to the court - those who have minors children.

Onliner tried to contact the participants of the RSP group, but for several numbers (including the manager), no one removes the phone. It was initially reported that the concert also took part in the Panska Moc group, but one of its participants, which we managed to get through, refutes this information. "We weren't on the speech, I know no more than the rest, we cannot call the guys from PSP," said Yaroslav Tomilo.

A resident of Smolevichi, whose relative was detained by this night, said the following: "My brother was allowed to call home. He scored us about nine in the morning and said he was taken to the trial to the court. "

Onliner also contacted Olga suitcase to find out the reasons for what happened. The spokesman replied that it was understanding the situation.

Endless accreditation Human Rights Center "Viasna" began publishing the names of presumably detained people. Currently in the list of 11 people.

Minskanka, who, having learned about the situation, immediately went to Zhodino, shared this video.

- I am near prison. Only one bus drove on my eyes, but the duty said that people had already brought. In this minibus, apparently, there was only one girl - it seemed to me, judging by the signs that she served. The rest of the detainees are either going after her, or left in Smolevich, "the girl told.


At 14:21, the night incident commented on the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- Last night, police officers stopped an unauthorized mass event using BCH-symbols: under the guise of a musical party at a wellness base near Smolevichi, activists of destructive telegrams-channels were gathered.

A total of 68 people were detained, including minors. Adults made up the protocols for violation of the procedure for organizing or conducting mass events, and in relation to parents of detained adolescents, there is an inspection on the fact that they are not fulfilling their responsibilities for the education of children.

At the moment, ten people released (minors and those who have adolescence of juvenile), a proceeding is carried out with the rest.

It is known that the participants of the "concert" used alcohol, one of the girls could be in narcotic intoxication (delivered to medical examination).

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