The average february salary in Belarus fell by almost 13 rubles

The average february salary in Belarus fell by almost 13 rubles 12912_1

The average salary in Belarus falls the second month in a row. In December, we usually get sharply more, in January less, and then the gradual growth of medium payments begins.

The average salary of Belarusians in February amounted to 1277.1 rubles, reports Belstat. This is 12.9 rubles less than a month earlier. Although last month the salary declined much more noticeable - by 186 rubles.

Recall, in December, the average salary in the country rushed to 1474 rubles to 60 kopecks at the expense of annual premiums and holidays. In January, it traditionally fell up to 1290 rubles. In total, at the end of 2020, the average salary was 1250.9 rubles before tax deductions, or 496 dollars in terms of tax.

Where my average salary is often asked commentators. First, the Statistical Committee considers the amount for each region and the capital separately, and these amounts will greatly differ. Secondly, the salary amount is indicated by "dirty", before tax deductions (minus 13% of income tax and 1% of contributions to the FSZN). Thirdly, if your neighbor received 2000 rubles, and you are 400, on average you both received 1200 rubles. And fourth, sometimes the growth of salary is not felt due to the fact that it is ahead of the growth of inflation.

Aytishniki again received again, their average pay in February reached 4483.4 rubles. This is six more than once more than received the lowest paid workers from the scope of creativity and entertainment (an average of 705.7 rubles before taxes). Salary in the regions are also far from the metropolitan: in Minsk - 1850.8 rubles, and in Mogilev - only 1037.6 rubles.

To understand the "middle temperature in the hospital", it is better to look at the median salary, which divides the salary row into two parts: half of the workers get more of this amount, half - less than it. According to the latest data (and this is November last year), the median salary in Belarus has never reached the cherished thousand and amounted to 944.4 rubles.

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