Scientists found out how the full moon affects sleep

Scientists found out how the full moon affects sleep 12886_1

Scientists have found that the moon affects the sleep cycle. Immediately before the full moon, people fall to bed later than usual and sleep for shorter time intervals. Studies were engaged in scientists from Washington, Yale Universities and the National University of Kilmes (Argentina). They published the results of the research on January 27 in the SCience Advances magazine.

According to the research team, the silence stages change throughout the lunar cycle, which lasts 29.5 days. Specialists watched people living in completely different conditions: villages and cities, with access to electricity and without it. Participants in the experiment belonged to different age categories and had no parties. In general, the moon had a greater influence on those who lived in rural areas.

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Moon phases

Participants of the experiment were put on special wrist monitors that tracked sleep modes. At the same time, one group refused electricity for the entire period of research, the second - had restricted access to him, and the third - used electricity without restrictions.

Dependence on electricity is still present, since the participants of the third group went to bed later than the rest and slept less. It would be possible to deny the effect of the moon, but a similar experiment was carried out with students of the University of Washington, which have full access to electricity.

The results of the study gives reason to believe that circadian human rhythms in a certain way are synchronized with the phases of the lunar cycle. In all groups, the general pattern was traced: people went to bed later and slept for smaller time intervals for 3-5 days before the full moon.

According to Leandro Casiragi, a researcher from the University of Washington, the dependence of human sleep from the Luna phases is congenital adaptation. Since ancient times, the human body has learned to use natural sources of lighting. Before the full moon, the land satellite reaches large sizes and, accordingly, the amount of light increases - the nights become lighter.

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Circadian rhythms

Circadian rhythms play a significant role in human life. They represent oscillations of various biological processes in the body and are associated directly from the change of day and night. The circadian rhythms period is about 24 hours. Although their connection with the external environment is pronounced quite brightly, still these rhythms have endogenous origin - that is, created directly by the organism.

Biological watches have individual signs and differences from each person. Based on this data, scientists allocate three chronotypes. "Flashing" stand for a couple of hours earlier than "owls" and manifest the highest activity in the morning. "Owl" - on the contrary, more able to be able to bind in the afternoon. And the intermediate chronotype is considered "pigeons".

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