Two types of fish that Americans hate and do not know how to deal


Environmental systems, especially isolated, are sometimes very sensitive to any new types of plants and animals. Even a minor impact of new organisms can significantly change the Balance of Old-timers. As examples, you can bring Flor and Fauna Madagascar and Australia, which will never be formerly after dating local endemics with cats and rabbits. And although it would seem, since then a lot of time has passed and nature is no longer expecting from humanity to continue such experiments, since cats, rabbits and other satellites have long settled everywhere, some excesses happen and at present. There were two types of new fish for residents of the United States an unpleasant surprise, which appeared relatively recently ...

Cause of the problem

Despite the glory of the "Countries of Freedom and House Heroes" of the United States, a very bureaucratic and fairly totalitarian country in which citizens are obliged to comply with numerous rules of conduct. The situation is complicated by the fact that with the United States there are practically no state ownership and theoretically, each owner of the Earth or water resource can establish its rules. In addition, there is federal legislation, which also need to know.

For example, in order to fishing, you need to have a license. In addition, on each reservoir, their restrictions on fishing fish and rules of behavior. And all this needs to know. Violations are punishable very hard - from fines to prison deadlines. And not only the official representatives of the law, but also local verifiers, as well as colleagues fishermen. Any illegal action will not remain unpunished.

It is good or bad - to say unequivocally. Yes, we get a good system of nature conservation, but inconvenience to fishermen it all delivers a lot.

Centers of celebration

There are two types of fish that were induced in the US reservoirs and perfectly lived there. But the consequences of this process were the most unpleasant.

The first fish is a thick carp. It was brought to cleaning the ponds about 50 years ago. Once (randomly or not) into the pools of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, they perfectly fit into the local fauna and began to multiply there with a catastrophic pace. This led to the fact that almost all of the local fauna, without having concerned competition with voracious giants, significantly reduced their livestock and now many species are put on the line of destruction.

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Second view - Smeegolov. He appeared later, not more than 20 years ago. Dangerous (for fish) is actually a two-way predator, capable of competing even with such monsters as Rotan, Zmeegolov became a real scourge for local fauna. And if in the case of a thick-carp we are talking about competing for food, then this species simply destroys everyone with whom it contacts.

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Local residents do not know how to be now. Both species are recognized as invasive and subject to destroy, but most likely nothing can be done. No methods of removing these two types from American reservoirs is almost impossible.

Even mitigating the rules of fishing and the resolution of the catch of the Tolstolobik and Zmeegolov are not helping. One of the reasons is the lack of demand on these fish among ordinary people. Americans just do not want to eat them. The thick-carob is too lazy and the bony, and the Zmeegolov looks outwardly reminds the snake (which is not surprising) and the culinary sympathies do not cause local sympathy.

Most likely, these two successful looks will remain in American reservoirs forever.

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