Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing?


At these weekends, the Director General of Twitter Jack Dorsey placed on sale its very first tweet on the social platform. He did it in the form of a unique NFT-tokeny, and for the transaction used the Ethyurium platform Valuables. As a result, the stakes in the auction for the purchase of legendary tweet reached a mark of 2.5 million dollars. It turns out that anyone may initiate this procedure and initiate the sale of own tweets. Naturally, it is not necessary to hope for millions of dollars, but you can try. We tell about the situation more.

To begin with, we remind that tweets and digital art are generally sold using unique NFT-tokenes. In essence, these are the same coins on the Etherium Blockchain by Eth, Link and Uni, but with a small difference. Unlike the listed cryptocurrency, NFT is not interchangeable, so they are unique default.

NFT-tokens are tied to a specific work - ordinary or digital - after which trading begins or simply takes place. Thanks to the use of the blockchain, the buyer can know what exactly buys the original work. Well, the seller without problems can prove that it really belongs to him.

More topic NFT, together with the most bright and expensive examples, we disassembled in a separate material. We recommend reading before switching to reading this article.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_1
Buying Tokenov

And although in general, the topic of unique tokens does not seem simple, to make an object of sale quite easily from their tweets. We tell about the list of necessary actions. It consists of all three steps.

Step 1: Examine the meaning of NFT

The idea of ​​NFT-tokenes is that they are digital ownership. Since almost all digital data can be copied as much as possible, it is very difficult to own something on the Internet and transmit this right to someone else. At the same time, NFT is a way to assign ownership to something digital in such a way that they can be shared from a person to man.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_2
Jack Dorsei tweet sales page on Valuables

The concept of NFT is still experimental, so the new trend should be treated with some shares of skepticism. It is unclear to what extent NFT is really considered to hold what they represent. In this area, the development of technologies is ahead of the ability of the law to determine the fact of ownership of a specific object. However, within the framework of the blockchain, everything works well.

At the technical level with NFT, you hold a small code fragment, which indicates an image or any other object somewhere on the Internet. Thus, in the case of tweet, the NFT itself contains tweet text - it is stored in the Matic blockchain - and refers to the tweet image, which is stored on a centralized server.

Step 2: Create Etherium Wallet Metamask

Metamask is a cryptocurrency wallet that is right in your Internet browser in the form of expansion. It will be needed to interact with the platform Valuables and for storing cryptocurrencies, which can be obtained as payment for your tweets. Download Metamask follows only from the official site. It is better not to use the browser extensions store, as there may be fake extension clones created by fraudsters.

They will try to withdraw from users of their sit-phrases - that is, a unique combination of words to access the contents of wallets. Thus, fraudsters will access coins and stole them. Also possible with a fake software that will direct the crypt to the addresses of criminals.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_3
Official site Metamask. We strongly recommend setting an extension only from this source!

Install Metamask is quite simple. You need to record the LED-phrase that the program will generate for you, and be sure to keep it in a safe place. If you somehow lose access to your wallet, you will need these words to restore the wallet and gain access to your funds.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_4
Restoration of cryptococherrel using a seed-phrase

After setting up Metamask, you can access it by clicking the icon in the browser. To open the wallet you need to enter your password.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_5
Input window to your account Metamask

Use the application will be able to send tokens based on Ethereum and the broadcast itself to other addresses, as well as for funds on this. If the user someday ever want to sell cryptocurrency for cash, he will need to withdraw these funds on the stock exchange and exchange them on the selected currency.

Step 3: Use the platform Valuables

After installing Metamask, you need to go to the Valuables website and log in in the system using your Twitter account.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_6
Connect twitter account to Valuables. You must log in to the Twitter account in the browser

Valuables is configured in such a way that everyone can bet on any tweet, reports Decrypt. This means that as soon as a person connects his wallet to the Twitter account, all its tweets are automatically exhibited for sale. People can immediately make rates on them, but the owner is not obliged to accept any bets.

If you go to your profile on Valuables, it turns out to see any bets made on any of the tweets. It is likely that there will be no bets there - especially if the author is not a global celebrity by the type of Ilona Mask.

Whatever it was, the key point here is to inform people that tweets are sold. In this case, you should find your interesting tweet - for example, with a large number of rivers and likes - and copy a link to it. You can get a link by clicking the Share button and "Copy Link to Tweet" or simply by copying the URL at the top of the screen.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_7
My NFT for sale

Then you need to insert a link to tweet in the search string on the Valuables website. If you place your own tweet, the platform recognizes this and will determine that this is your message. Then it will provide a button with which it will turn out to share the link to this tweet in Valuables.

If you press the "Share" button, a tweet draw will appear with reference to Valuables. Then you can copy this link and share it on twitter. Anyone who will click on the link will be directed to the page with the ability to bet behind your tweet. When the rate is high enough, you can take it and get this money to your Metamask wallet.

Celebrities sell their own tweets for cryptocurrency. How to do the same thing? 1279_8
Wallet Metamask.

We believe that the process of converting tweets in NFT is quite simple and takes few minutes. Thanks to him, it is even possible to monetize his tape on Twitter - and this is a vivid example of how unique world becomes becoming thanks to the use of the blockchain. Still, Jack Dusi is unlikely to think that once his first record on the social platform will be assessed at $ 2.5 million. However, the price tag for her was exactly the same.

We are waiting for the opening of new options for using the chain of blocks and cryptocurrency. On this they definitely do not end.

Look even more interesting in our cryptocat of millionaires. There we will discuss the results of this venture.

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