Films from which the audience left during a session


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Films from which the audience left during a session 12780_1

Did you often leave the cinema right during the session? I remember a couple of such episodes: this is the Russian comedy "Freaks" with Khabensky and Yovovich - right in the middle of the film it became so bored and stupid that he could not resist and left. But this is a question of tasteings, and in general, a special case. Great more often people have more significant reasons to leave view. And with these reasons, it is often very difficult to argue.

King Lion (1994)

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It would seem - a classic cartoon for the whole family. Yes, the tape is full and funny and dramatic moments - well, so what? Those "king lion" and more valuable! But this is so seen now, from the height of the years past, when the plot in the two words is known to everyone and special spoilers (and therefore the shocks) can not.

Therefore, during the show in the cinemas, the death of King Mufasi became too injured for most children (and their parents). For the young audience and part of adults it was too shocking. Some parents had to carry out screaming kids from the cinema. Most said that they were shocked by the level of violence and the vanity of characters, wearing intrigues and conspiracies.

Fight Club (1999)

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Visitious the first rule of the "Fight Club" and talk about him, because David Fincher's film definitely did not hit the days when he was shown in cinemas. The gloomy approach and the copyright look at the dark matter (violence, the vision of being, human greed and, among other things, the launched mental illness) was so deep that through the CHUR susceptible people ran out of cinemas during a session - they were puzzled by the general promise of the film. How once I noticed Brad Pitt: "The film destroys a look at the usual way of life, putting an attack of the status quo of most men 40 years old." Others left because of the many repulsive scenes in the film, such as bloody boxing battles or when the bag (and from it the human fat). Hence, quite logical and legitimate cash register "Club". But over time, he won his fan base, and today is still considered one of the best films of all time.

Antichrist (2009)

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The name of the film Lars von Treier "Antichrist" should have warned the audience what to expect from the tape. Plus, the fame of the director as a great provocatetor was to play a certain role, taking off the unprepared viewer. However, at the premiere show there were many viewers, many of whom were very upset. Filled with cruelty, violence, frankly by physiological images (scenes that they will give odds to any film "for adults") and extremely disturbing moments (for example, the child's death in detail) made some viewers leave, and others felt ailments from emotional experiences.

Loving controversy von Trier defended his project and declared him the most important film in his entire career. This marked the beginning of its "depression trilogy" (together with the "Melancholy" and the Nymphomaniac "2013). He stated that "Antichrist" was a unbalable "therapy" for him.

Passion of Christ (2004)

Before the life of Mela Gibson became a series of drama relations and rumors about anti-Semitic insults, he had a reputation as a beautiful actor and an experienced director. After receiving two Oscars for the "Brave Heart" in 1996, he took up a very ambitious project associated with his deep Christian convictions.

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The situation resembled the previous example: the audience came to a deliberately provocative film, in the title of which the very essence of the work was concluded. Although no spoilers about the film "Passion of Christ" did not spread, but the audience should have guess the content. Ruthless ill violence was shown in the last twelve hours of Jesus Christ. Along with reports of malaise right in the middle of session and dozens of departers, the Jewish communities boycotted the film. Even despite this, the film paid off 10 times only in North America.

By the way, the sequel "Passions of Christ" was announced - he is certainly not frightened by impressionable spectators, because the speech in it (judging by rumors) will go about the days of the resurrection of Jesus.

Congenital vice (2014)

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About this film of the Floor of Thomas Anderson "Congenital Pulk" assessment of critics and the opinion of the public differed dramatically. The director already had an army of fans after the "Nights in the style of the Bugs", "Magnolia", "Oil" and

"Master". But his confusing adaptation of the Roman Thomas Pinchon did not manage to interest the mass auditor.

According to observers, the speed with which the heads of cinemas left the session, was stunning. Some spectators found the film with incomprehensible, boring or just disappointing. Critics were impressed with this film, and those who were disappointed, they simply offer to simply revise again.

Surviving (2015)

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Salted tape at one time. The very, where "Dicaprio holds with a bear," directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inonyrto. For the role in this film, Leonardo Dicaprio received his first Oscar!

But on the first showing of the film there were many people who did not bring some disgusting moments, for example, the notorious attack of the bear, as well as the causticing of wounds and ear amputation. But this is only one side of the problem: WC, while some viewers left due to blood and violence, others complained that a 156-minute film (2 hours 36 minutes!) Was a journey to the kingdom of boredom and endless zeewings. Especially picky even felt bad because of the hand-held, dongy shooting.

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