Yandex allowed to receive and spend the "plus" points in the applications "Food" and "Claws"


In "Food" you can get cachek to 7% of partners, in the "shop" - up to 20% in some categories.

Points are charged when ordering from some restaurants and shops in Yandex.iede and for the purchase of goods from the "Products with Cashbek" section in Yandex.Lovek, told in the company.

In the "food" of Cashbek is available in Yandex.eeda and Yandex GO applications. At the start stage, the function is valid only for establishments in the Moscow region, the decision on the launch in other regions will be taken after the pilot.

Users receive cachek in the form of points in the amount of 7% of the check in restaurants and 5% in retail. The accrual of points is co-financed together with Yandex.edoy in different proportions that the company does not specify. You can spend points in the same restaurants.

Yandex allowed to receive and spend the

Almost all the cost of the order can be compensated by points - you only need to pay extra for delivery and one ruble for each position in the basket. More than 500 restaurants in Moscow are already connected to the cachek program. At the first stage, in each category partners, no more than a third of all establishments could be clarified in the company.

Users "shops" and "food" will receive points, even if they have no "plus" - but he needs to spend them. The amount of cachek scores in the "shop" will be up to 20% of the cost of the order, and the list of goods for the purchase of which the cachek is relying, will change regularly. From February 15, Cashbek will be available to all users.

Cashbek's "shop" is available in the "shop" and "YandexGo" applications, later in 2021, he will also launch orders through the application "Food".

Yandex allowed to receive and spend the
Cashbek in "Lavek"
  • Subscription "Plus" is available in two tariffs: for one person for 199 rubles per month and multi for four people for 299 rubles per month. It includes access to Kinopoisk HD, "Music" and Cashbek in points for the use of Yandex services.
  • In September, Yandex included its food services and shopping services in the Yandex.Plus subscription in the Yandex GO application. But it was possible to spend points only in other company services.
  • According to its own data, the audience "Yandex.Plusus" exceeds 6 million people, they have already accumulated 1 billion points. In October 2020, Yandex for the first time revealed the number of Russian subscribers to the Yandex.Plus subscription subscriber: from the beginning of 2020, it had doubled and reached 5 million people.

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