We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets


    Good afternoon, my reader. The taste of strawberries and raspberries long ago, the blackberry does not complain of your soil, and the crop currament has long been assembled? Then your new favorite will be a garden blueberry - this large sweet berry is added to the filling for baking, kissel or compote, dumplings and pudding. The article will tell about the features of breeding blueberries and will introduce with popular varieties of this garden culture.

    We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets 12774_1
    We will be familiar. Garden blueberry - popular varieties, the secrets of growing Maria Verbilkova

    Eliminate low and tall blueberry varieties. The shoots of the first height can be achieved from 0.3 to 1 meter, the second - from 1.8 to 2 meters. In the choice of a suitable variety, the classification will be useful, according to which the blueberry is divided into a swamp or tall.

    This low (up to half a meter is height) the shrub to meet in the swamps or in peat forests. He loves an abundance of moisture, it prefers prefers in acidic soils, perfectly carries out in the regions with a cold and temperate climate. To the cultivation of marshberry is recommended by gardeners living in Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East.

    The harvest shoots marsh bunnye begins for 10-15 years of growth. Speak dense blue berries for one and a half months.

    If for breeding you chose a swamp blueberry, attention should be paid to the varieties listed below - they are unpretentious and perfectly adapt to adverse conditions, withstand temperatures reduced to -40 ° C.

    • Wonderful;
    • Elegant;
    • Shegar;
    • Blue paint;
    • Ixinskaya;
    • Nectar;
    • Taiga beauty;
    • Isaacievskaya;
    • Yurkovskaya.

    Tall blueberries brought to us from North America differs by high yield - from one knocker for the season remove up to 7 kilograms of berries. It prerabs prefers in wetlands, loves warmth and dampness.

    Fruit culture begins on 4 years of growth. You can be harvesting in July already in July, the sifummers to the table are served in August. The autumn harvest of gardeners will be delighted by the long grade of tall blueberries. Berries grow up to 10-25 millimeters in diameter.

    Blue junction, spartan, patriot and blue were recognized as the best sorts of tall blueberries. You can plan on the site and listed below:

    • Earls. Such plants bring a crop of gentle sweet berries. They are not adapted to transport, they are stored for a short time, in connection with which they are recommended for consumption in the fresh form. Refer to early Blue Gold, Weymouth, June, Duke, Early Blue.
    • Overhead. The harvest of these varieties of maturity reaches in the second half of summer, can be transported. Berkeley, blue beam, Elizabeth, Blue Succu are counted for this group.
    • Late. Such varieties can be grown on sale - their elastic fruits are not damaged during transportation, they look attractive and long retain freshness. These are varieties of Eliot, Kovil, Jersey, Herbert, Spartan.

    Now, when we are already familiar with the varieties of garden blueberries, you can proceed to planting culture. She loves the scene illuminated by the sun, prefers acidic soils equipped with drainage. Excessive moisture to the plant to anything, therefore, in lowlands, the blueberries are not planted.

    We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets 12774_2
    We will be familiar. Garden blueberry - popular varieties, the secrets of growing Maria Verbilkova

    High trees and shrubs Gauber beds surround should not - the sun's rays through thick crowns do not break. The selected area must be surrounded by wind protection.

    During the landing, we recommend using the following algorithm:
    • Soak the roots of seedlings for 10-20 minutes.
    • At the bottom of the landing pit lay out peat, rewinding foliage. The level of soil acidity is increased by sulfur or citric acid.
    • Plant rhizomes, locate seedlings at a depth of five centimeters from the surface of the soil.
    • Fall asleep landing land, irrigation with warm water.
    • Mulch the garden 5-10-centimeter layer of foliage or needles, hay or sawdust.

    Blueberry roots go deep underground, so limited to air access. The soil must be regularly loosen - it will help the root seedlings to breathe. The procedure should be carried out before each irrigation, the miniature manual rakes or forks are recommended during the process - large tools can damage tender shoots.

    It is impossible to attribute to aggressive cultures of blueberries - it does not have the properties to suppress the growth of neighbors, therefore in the fight against weed plants will not be. The shoots need to help the gardener - the beds must be poured in a timely manner.

    Blueberry loves dullness, but does not suffer moisture. Recommended Watering to carry out the drip method once a week. Water consumption should be about 5-7 liters on one bush. At the time of the fertility period, this number should be increased to 10 liters per plant.

    During periods of rainy weather, the irrigation rate should be reduced - the seedlings are not more than two times a month. After the transition procedure must be mounted. You can use for these purposes that you can have a quiet, sawdust or bark of trees.

    We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets 12774_3
    We will be familiar. Garden blueberry - popular varieties, the secrets of growing Maria Verbilkova

    For the first time, feeding is carried out on the second year of growth of seedlings. At the same time, mineral fertilizers should use, from the application of the organic, it is necessary to refuse a flat compost and manure when entering the soil begin to hide, in the decomposition process there is a large amount of heat that is destructive for the root system of young plants.

    Blueberry is unpretentious - even severe frosts to it. However, in the honest winter, the shoots can come tightly, so they need to be stolen. From the cold plant, protects the layer of the facothy or nonwoven material - spanbonda or agry.

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