How to get a rich crop sweet and large beet


    Good afternoon, my reader. When growing such a popular vegetable culture on the household site as beets of dacnishes, special attention should be paid to the loosening of the soil, timely making feeding, protecting plantings from pests. Knowing how to competently care for growing rooted roots, you can avoid problems and get a rich harvest.

    How to get a rich crop sweet and large beet 12769_1
    How to get a rich harvest of sweet and large beets of Maria Verbilkova

    To obtain a good harvest of this garden culture, the dacket should know all the nuances relating to its landing and further care for it:

    • On the eve of sowing seed beets to open ground it will be necessary to explode and easily. Thanks to the pext, you can get rid of pests. Fertilizers will saturate the garden soil with the necessary vegetable culture with nutrients. It is especially good to feed the beet landing by the organica, in particular the compost. This fertilizer is advisable to apply immediately at the end of winter.
    • Seitional follows only high-quality material. Preference is better to give the processed antiseptic seeds from the proven manufacturer. On the eve of the sowing, they will need to go through and make calibration. Sowing seeds of the same size is a guarantee of friendly shoots.
    • After the appearance of Roskov's beds, it is necessary to explode the soil. This manipulation will be required to produce at least 4 times per season. Due to the loosening, the air permeability of the garden soil is improved, the root crops are obtained more oxygen. The procedure is carried out very neat. Otherwise there is a risk of damage to bushes.
    • Beets belong to garden crops that do not carry drought. On hot days it needs watering. It is necessary that the root crops are juicy, tasty and large. When irrigating a beet landing, the cost of water costs is 15 liters per 1 m². The convergence of the beds is unacceptable. Stagnation of water is destroyed for plants.
    • After 10-14 days after the emergence of shoots, the garden culture will be required to fit the compost or purchased mineral fertilizer. At this stage, the development of beet needs nitrogen. During the formation of rooted roots, the beet landing will be required to provide potassium, calcium, magnesium. The best fertilizer during this period will be infusion on banana peel. In July, actively developing beets especially needs liquid feeding.
    • During the entire growing season, pests are annoyed by garden culture. Beetting landing suffers from flies, bedbugs, tri, weevils. To withstand parasites will help the use of purchased insecticides and folk drugs like a beam onion husk or garlic infusion.
    How to get a rich crop sweet and large beet 12769_2
    How to get a rich harvest of sweet and large beets of Maria Verbilkova

    Growing this vegetable culture on the backdrop, gardeners often face such complications:

    • Roots grow in length, not stitching. To get a large and beautiful beet, you should avoid building a landing. After the appearance of germs, they will need to break them. Between plants withstand a distance of 7 cm (if the grade is fine-grade) or 15 cm (for large-scale varieties). The removal is primarily subject to small and stiff sprouts.
    • Landing is growing poorly. Often, the problem is provoked by the gathering procedure of the leakage of beetted bushes. This manipulation of beets is contraindicated. Culture does not tolerate when they hide the soil around her.
    • Roots are not enough sweetness. Fix the situation will help watering the planting salted water (2 tbsp. L. Salt by 10 liters). Three times for the season to pour bushes with such a feeding to get a crop very sweet and juicy beet.

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