Why always turn off the sound on the smartphone


Remember how before we sat with someone near and suddenly to play a melody from the "Brigade" or from the "boumen" on the whole room? It was so it was accepted that the call was to be loud, rolling and preferably from a popular film. Well, or just part of the new song. Times changed. Now it's not just not necessary to do, but it is not necessary at all. Many have abandoned calls completely and do not even bring a smartphone from a silent regime. For example, I treat such people. I am sure that you can safely produce smartphones without a call or notification of an incoming message, and the world will not be much worse. In some moments, he, on the contrary, will only improve. Now I will explain what I mean, and I am confident that many of you will agree with me.

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Do you turn off the sound?

Why do you need a call

First you need to understand why there is sound on the phone. The simplest thing that comes to mind is the ability to not skip an important call or message. I agree, it really is unpleasant and I would not want someone to write or called, but did not receive a response.

Viber calls in the phone

At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that modern smartphones, unlike "mobile phones", have excellent vibration systems. While the phone is in his pocket or in hands, skip the vibration is difficult. Even if you are in some place where you will not feel the vibration, you will most likely not pay attention to the call. If your smartphone is not in hand and not in your pocket, you can still hear it. Often the characteristic "BZZZZ" is heard even from the next room.

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From here the first reason is much less common to turn on the sound. Vibrations often happens more than enough to understand what they call you. But messages come instantly, and you do not have time to hear rattles from the next room. This case has your own answer.

Smartphone always before your eyes

Not so long ago, I wrote that we are increasingly and more often using our smartphones. They are constantly in our hands and / or before your eyes. Even if we do not use the phone for a long time, we often take it into hand. Checking messages, time, weather, mail, bill accounts, television programs and a lot more. All this attracts our attention to the smartphone.

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The most correct position for the sound mode switch.

Look at the smartphone usage counter. All I know, even in your free days, take a gadget in my hands at least about 100 times. On average, it is 5-15 minutes. If calls are important, the messages can often wait a bit and check them through 15 and even more minutes. Therefore, if you did not leave the house without a phone or did not lie down to relax, that is, in those moments when you do not react to the call, you will still often check the screen and see a notification.

Smart watch and fitness trackers

Suppose it is also not your case. For such situations there are smart watches and bracelets. They are much more convenient and practical than usual call. Such a gadget is always on hand, a notification will come to him and his vibration will notify you that you need to take a smartphone in your hands.

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In favor of such a way, do not miss notifications to say that there are other very convenient features from modern hours. If you do not want to use expensive hours, that is, with a dozen inexpensive trackers, the price of which starts from several hundred rubles. Slightly more expensive, but very popular Xiaomi Mi Band is not so expensive against the background of the price of the average smartphone.

In many ways, this is my case. The first two are also based on personal experience, but it is the smart watch that gives me the opportunity to not miss calls. If they are on hand, a smartphone can not even put in a pocket, but in a bag or backpack, and you don't miss anything. Even at home there are cases when the call will not be heard, but the clock will always say that for an hour there is something.

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How to stop annoying

If it all did not convince you, think about others. In a recent traveler survey, the approximately fifth part admitted that their most on the road is annoyed by travelers who watch video with sound or who constantly ring the phone. In order not to be such a person, it is better to just turn off the sound and find another way do not miss calls and messages.

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Here, someone rang the phone, he began to get it, and those surrounding 10-15 seconds listen to the melody and hate the owner of the phone.

I understand that there are situations where the call really can not be missed. But the ways are invented not to miss any notice. Just keep your smartphone closer to yourself or wear smart gadgets from the "Washing Electronics" category - watch or trackers.

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When you need to turn off the sound on the phone? Always

Now it is not the time when you need to boil before everyone that you have a phone and someone calls you to him. On the contrary, the use of the call has become a rule of bad tone. Therefore, do not lead yourself so. Turn off the sound and you will notice that almost nothing has changed for you. You yourself will not notice how to adjust and you will not miss anything important, and you, like millions of other users, will begin to annoy the Tura-Tura-Tura-Turau-Ru-Ru-Ru, who have been coming from someone's pocket.

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