A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds


    Good afternoon, my reader. For continuous flowering on the flower, the compositions of perennials create compositions. Proper selection of plants with different characteristics will provide the liveliness and saturation of the landscape from spring to late autumn.

    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds 12703_1
    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds Maria Verbilkova

    Clematis is ideal for vertical landscaping due to Liano-like shoots. Its buds are blooming large white-pink or purple flowers with pointed petals.

    Laptop shrub - Already at the beginning of the summer, numerous buds appear, which will not fade to the first frosts. Suitable for creating a living hedge, mountaineering, it looks profitable with conifers. The bustard is formed due to a variety of shoots with single five-point flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm.

    Austin roses grow up to 2 m or more, a bush with a lush crown, flowers terry all sorts of color. It is valued for increased resistance, unpretentiousness, bright aroma, frost resistance, but need absent lighting. Ideal for masking walls, alive hedges, spectacular in a single landing. Blossom continues all summer.

    Derbennica is often found in the design of water bodies and other humid sections of the garden. From one rhizoma grows several shoots with a height of 80-100 cm and more with foliage of the emerald shade, it becomes a barrier to autumn. At the colossal inflorescences in July, buds in the form of a star of lilac-pink shades are revealed.

    A large-flowered flax coat, height rarely exceeds 60 cm. Consists of thin branches and durable stems. Buds are a variety of shades, in diameter reached 2-4 cm. Lena is not additive, but it needs a sunny corner of the garden without nearby groundwater. Propagated by self-sowing and division, it grows in one place for 5 years.

    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds 12703_2
    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds Maria Verbilkova

    Sage Double - a long-term shrub up to 70-90 cm tall, prefers halftime. The shoots are straight and branched, with co-shaped blue-blue and purple inflorescences, buds are collected in near-locked mutages. In the middle lane is experiencing winter under snow or shelter. Further looks at the forefront of the flower beds, in Alpinaria, in primrosts.

    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds 12703_3
    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds Maria Verbilkova

    Armeria Primorskaya - Unassuming Herbaceous Plant. Long and straight stems with narrow leaves grow up in a lush pillow with rounded inflorescences of different color on a long blossom. Culture is ideal for mountaineering, rocaria, framing artificial reservoirs. For the winter, Armeria is necessarily covered with straw or pagan.

    Astrantia is large flowers in June-September small buton similar to a multi-star star-umbrella. Abmo them additionally decorate false wrap leaves. 70 cm height bush on average, shoots of minor, leaves of palchatic or blade form. Astrancy is successfully growing on any soils, but at sunny sections the shades of colors are brighter and more noticeable.

    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds 12703_4
    A selection of perennials for constantly flowering flower beds Maria Verbilkova

    Gypsophila Miscellaneous grows up to 50-70 cm, consists of a main stem with side shoots. Thin branches with elegant umbrella inflorescences on the top of a white, pink-purple shade are departed from them. Together they give the bustle shaped shape, the bloom continues almost all summer. Gypsophila looks advantageous in any composition, it is complemented by bouquets.

    The mild cuff is a fluttering perennial with a height of 30-45 cm, it grows quickly. He loves a fertilous, moderately humid soil, drought with difficulty. Burned inflorescences are collected from numerous green-yellow small buds. Foliage is large and rounded, divided into 7-11 segments. It is valued for openwork greens, which perfectly closes the side of the roadside, slopes, stony masonry.

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