Lembergs threatens 8 years, and he can go to prison already in February

Lembergs threatens 8 years, and he can go to prison already in February 12691_1

Consideration of the so-called criminal case of Aivars Lembergs in the first instance can be completed this month. The accused Ansess Sormulis said his last word on Wednesday, February 3, while Aivars Lembergsu and his son Anrihis Lembergsu for the last word court provided five court sessions, writes BB.LV with reference to LTV.

After that, the court will have 14 days to make a decision. The prosecutor's office demands to sentence temporarily dismissed from the post of Mayor Ventspils Lembergs to eight years of imprisonment. Anrihis Lembergs was the only one at the court hearing. He objected to the filming and did not agree with the interview. The rest of the parties took part in the court hearing remotely.

At the beginning of the meeting, the defender of Aivars Lembergs Maris Grorslis read his replica. He repeatedly emphasized that Lemberg's rights were violated during the trial and that the prosecutor's office did not prove the guilt in crimes. The court then announced the debate closed and asked the defendants, how much time would take the last word.

Only then did the court noticed that Lembergs and the accused Ansis Sormulis in the Kurzeme District Court of Ventspils for several hours violated the requirements for the restriction of COVID-19. Judge Irina Janson noted that they were in the courtroom without a mask.

After the recovery, Lembergs put on a mask and stated that in the last word he will need from 20 to 30 court sessions. "I think, then I will be able to meet," said Lembergs.

However, after discussion, the judges agreed that on the last word Lembergs will give much less time - four court sessions.

"The last word is not a reaches of the testimony, not a debate and not time to express requests. This is the last word in which no new evidence or testimony is actually given. Therefore, we found these four hearings sufficient and proportionate to the accused could say, "said Judge Janson.

But Anrihis Lembergsu and Ansis Srimulis for the last word was allocated one court session. As a result, the hearing of the case in the first instance, which lasted about 12 years, can end up next Thursday. After that, the court will have 14 days for sentencing.

The prosecutor's office demands to sentence Aivars Lembergs to the eight years of imprisonment, confiscation of property and a fine of about 65,000 euros.

He is incubated by a number of grave crimes, including the extortion of bribes in the 1990s, money laundering, fake documents and abuse of official position.

"Of course, you can always talk about what could be done more to delve into the essence of the case, but we did everything that could, and believe that what was collected in the case is enough to condemn the incriminating articles. However, to decide, of course, the court, "said Prosecutor Ivis Zaluginsky.

Lembergs denies his guilt and convinced that he repeatedly denied the right to defense. The restriction of the last word, which the law permits from the middle of last year, according to Lembergs, is an attack on it.

"The Latvian Seimas changed the law specifically so that I did not have the opportunity to say the last word I consider it necessary, and unlike the USSR, where there were no restrictions on the last word, Latvia made such a change specifically for me," Lembergs announced .

The prosecutor's office requires Lembergs arrest as a preventive measure. Consequently, if he is found guilty and the court will agree with the measure of preventing, Lembergs will be arrested immediately after the sentence announced.

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