12 tricks that even a tiny bedroom will turn into tsarist choirs


Not every bedroom boasts a sufficient number of square meters. And the hard cabinets with a wide bed "eat" a valuable space. Fortunately, to visually increase the room, it is not necessary to demolish the walls or resort to magic outside Hogwarts. It is enough to choose the color gamut of the interior, furniture and accessories.

We in adme.ru decided to find out, with the help of what techniques in the decoration and decor can expand the space of a small bedroom.

1. Instead of bright accents - a single gamma

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Wanting to revive the bedroom, many add bright spots to the interior. However, the small premises such a color decision is contraindicated: the catchy contrasts are pretty eyes, and the brain automatically breaks the space into separate zones. And without the small bedroom looks even less.

2. Mirrors

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© Dailygoods / Yula, © Victor I. / Yula

Mirrors on walls and cabinets, floor mirrors, mirrored panels - all these things visually add a room a few extra square meters. If your bedroom looks small and dark, experts recommend hanging the mirror opposite the window or near the light source (at a distance of 30-60 cm from it). Then the lighting will look natural and aesthetic.

3. Less glossy surfaces

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But what should be avoided, so it is the use of glossy and reflective surfaces. This is especially true of stretch ceilings. Many believe that the more in the bedroom of brilliant, reflecting objects, the more spacious the room will seem. This is mistake. In fact, such a finish only litter the appearance of the room.

4. Walls of bright shades

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Due to the high reflectivity, light colors make space more open and air. The most successful for the interior of a small room is considered to be such shades as cream, dust-blue, light gray and sage. But with clean white, you should be careful. Paint without impurities may look flat and cold. Walls painted in such a color visually narrow the room and make it lifeless.

5. Instead of a lamp - sconce and pendant lamps

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Experts advise to abandon desktop lamps and lamps, because they only clutter the bedroom. The choice should be made in favor of suspended and wall lamps that do not eat valuable space. Moreover, a well-positioned wallpaper not only creates a special, cozy atmosphere, but also frees the bedside table for gadgets and books.

6. Instead of massive furniture - Furniture on legs

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© Olga O. / Yula, © Dmitry ?. / Jula.

You can expand the boundaries of a small-sized bedroom with the help of correctly selected furniture, the main thing is to follow the rule "the more the area of ​​the floor is visible, the more spacious the room looks like." Therefore, it is worth abandoning bulky beds, sofas, "growing in the floor", and chairs with massive armrests. For a small bedroom perfectly suitable compact furniture on legs.

7. Wall Cabinet

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Another rule in the field of interior design reads: "The fewer things we see, the more spacious it seems to us the room." It follows that all unnecessary items should be reliably hidden behind the doors of chiffios and dresser. Ideal for a small bedroom fit the built-in cupboard under the ceiling without unnecessary details. And if he is also close to the color of the walls, then the room will certainly look spacious. Such a reception visually erases the boundaries between different surfaces, as a result of which the wall looks longer, and the space is bulk.

8. Instead of heavy curtains - air

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Heavy curtains made of tight fabrics absorb sunlight and visually make a room with darker and cramped. What you can not say about the lungs, air tissues like flax, tulle and organza. You can also abandon textiles at all and make a choice in favor of blinds or rolled curtains.

9. Miniature chandeliers and lamps

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© Marina M. / Yula, © Ekaterina Z. / Yula

Luminaires, like other furniture items, should be proportioned by the room. Therefore, you should not decorate a small bedroom with luxurious bulky chandeliers. It is better to choose neat and laconic light sources that do not differ in special high and swing.

10. Mounted bedside tables and lockers

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© Buy Furniture here / Yula, © Furniture "Lagrange". / Jula.

Create an optical illusion of light and spacious premises help hinged bedside tables and lockers. They are usually more compact than standard bedside stands and racks. Free space under the furniture adds the interior of lightness and weightlessness.

11. Doors-penal and doors

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© Bryanskiiles / Twitter, © Dmitry N. / Jula.

The interior of the bedroom also affects the choice of interior door. The traditional swollen door, as a rule, takes a lot of space and limits the ability to implement interior ideas. More convenient options are considered to be such models as "penalties" (the door hides in an improvised case) and the "book" (due to the design, the door leaf is folded into the harmonica). Both of these options allow to preserve the valuable space, but they differ in some high cost.

12. Multifunctional furniture

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© Konstantin S. / Yula

Universal reception that will make the most of the limited space of a close bedroom, it is placed in the room transformer furniture. Thanks to the design of the bed with light movement of the hand turns into a closet or workplace, which allows rational to use square meters. By the way, the transformer furniture simplifies the process of wet cleaning.

Which of these techniques will you take a pencil? Or maybe you have your secrets, how to make a bedroom more spacious and cozy?

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