In the garden of the British pensioner found the ruins of the 700-year-old palace


The British pensioner Charles Poul has a serious problem. Recently, the ruins of the 700-year-old palace and archaeologists intend to dig and carefully examine the structure were discovered in his garden. The man would certainly reacted to the find of an ancient building well, only the discovery was made right during the construction of a small bungalow, in which the pensioner eventually wanted to completely move after the sale of a big house. The construction was discontinued and clearly will not continue in the same place because it is unlikely that someone will risk retrieving the palace from the Earth and move to another place. There is already enough information about the current situation, so let's figure it out that it was for the palace who managed to find builders and how will the fate of the pensioner in the future begun?

In the garden of the British pensioner found the ruins of the 700-year-old palace 12657_1
The location of the old palace

The bungalow is a single-storey house for one family, with a flat roof and a veranda. As a rule, under this term it is customary to understand small country buildings on the territory of California and other US states.

Bishop Palace in United Kingdom

The found palace was told in the edition of Ancient Origins. The pensioner from the British city of Viveliski decided to sell his big house and start living in a modest bungalow. He decided to build a new construction in his garden, near the house. The builders began to dig earth for the construction of the foundation, but almost immediately came across the ruins of some old building. It was decided to call archaeologists to assess the find.

In the garden of the British pensioner found the ruins of the 700-year-old palace 12657_2
Ruins of Palace and Workers Instruments Archaeologists

Researchers immediately understood what they deal with. They already knew that somewhere on this territory 700 years ago there was a palace of a local bishop. For reference, the bishop is a senior clergyman. If you believe historical documents, in this territory in those days this post was occupied by John de Droinsford and Ralph Shrewsbury. It is believed that the city of Vivselsky was generally a favorite place of bishops.

See also: Archaeologists found the bag of ancient shaman - what inside?

History of an ancient palace

Historians believe that the palace stood as possible to about the XVIII century. Over time, he strongly outdated and turned into ruins. Subsequently, an ordinary house was erected in his place and few people remembered the palace. Previously, archaeologists found nearby the gate of this place and said confidently that there is a palace in Võlvsky. Only this is where he was located, they did not know exactly. As in many other similar cases, the archaeological discovery was made during construction work. This is quite a frequent phenomenon - I already told that during the construction of roads and other structures, something ancient is often found. Sometimes it is human bones, studying which you can recreate the faces of their owners.

In the garden of the British pensioner found the ruins of the 700-year-old palace 12657_3
Scientists can reconstate the faces of the dead people. Above gave a link to the article on how they do it.

What to do with the ruins found - is not yet clear. Most likely, archaeologists will deal with their excavation, because on this territory there are clearly a lot of old artifacts. To protect the object from damage, the territory will be taken under protection. It goes without saying, such perspectives do not like a pensioner.

Of course, the find of the ancient palace is very cool and important to study history. But because of this, a man suffers losses and cannot build a dwelling where he wants. It is reported that he will receive greater monetary compensation for the alienation of the territory. I would like to believe that this money is enough to build an even more beautiful bungalow than the pensioner planned.

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Such finds help scientists learn a lot of interesting hundreds of years ago. Sometimes even in the ear of found facilities, archaeologists manage to find new rooms. For example, in 2020, a secret room was found inside the huge Palace of the Roman Emperor Nero. The pictures with the image of centaurs and other fabulous beings were found on its walls. However, who lived in this room and what he was engaged in scientists are still unknown. You can find more about the secret room and look at the photo by this link.

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