The inhibition of the export "Paclica C1E" in the hands of the US Air Force Lab specialists is not critical, but should be taken into account the Tula CBS and NGOs "Phazatron"

The inhibition of the export

As you know, numerous military experts, as well as commentators-commentators of domestic military-analytical sites, focusing the attention of the audience on the utopian attempts attempts to fully withdraw the source code of the combat information and control system Poles-C1ERI, even through the most advanced software and hardware tools and "add-ons "It was extremely careless to perceived information about its redemption by the US Armed Forces in the militarized formations of the Government of National Accord (PNS) of Libya with a further move from the US Air Force" Ramstein "(Germany) on AVB" Wright-Patterson "(Ohio).

Analysis of the Radioelectronic Architecture IRPK "Pancir-C1E by American experts will require partial processing of elemental base and software management systems of the upgraded armor" Pentesier-C1M / 2 ".

Meanwhile, it would be extremely naive to assume that the transfer of American specialists even export (with a partially "cut-off" element base and software components) modifications of the "shell" will not be fraught with certain consequences for both the VKS's anti-aircraft troops and for The Navy of Russia, which has a ship modification of the Polecir-M / Palitsa complex. After all, to date, on the shoulders of combat calculations of the data of Tula IZPK (as well as on the shoulders of the operators of Izhevsk self-propelled SPI "Tor-M1B / 2U", as well as a computerized SU of their ship version - the "Dagger" SPK) is entrusted with a very difficult task of forming the last turn of defense The terrestrial and marine anti-aircraft zones A2 / AD, which consists in the cover of the "dead zones" and "dead funnels" (in the case of the "shelter-C1 / M") of anti-aircraft missile regiments of the C-300PS / PM1 / 2 and C-400 , anti-aircraft divisions and brigades "Buk-M1-2 / 2", C-300B / 4 military air defense air defense air defense, and so-worked S-300F / FM FM "Fort / -M".

The choice of the "Wright-Patterson" airbase as a final delivery point of the Trophy "Panciri-C1" is not at all, because this object belongs to the US Air Force Scientific Research Laboratory AFRL ("Air Force Research Laboratory"), which is analogous Domestic Central Research Institute of Troops VKS Ministry of Defense of Russia (TsVKI) and specializing in the detailed analysis of the aerodynamic / tight-technical parameters of any aircraft (from tactical aviation and UAV to managed reactive shells, hypersonic sampling and air-air missiles) , electrodynamic parameters (including EPR) of aircraft and ground-based air defense / Rab / RTB, as well as the parameters of their radio-electronic architectures and the principles of operation of guidance and management systems.

With a high probability, it can be argued that directly participate in the analysis of parameters (and possibly polygon tests with a reflection of a conditional massive rocket-aviation strike) of the Radioelectronic filling of the Trophy "Panciri-C1" will be taken not only by the Specialists of the US Air Force Research Laboratory But the competent representatives of the Raytheon Space and Air Systems division of the Raytheon Military Industrial Corporation, as well as the Lockheed Martin military-industrial giant. Their main task will be the evaluation of the effectiveness of the multi-spectral optical-electronic set of targeting 10 S1-E and PFAR-radar targeting 1RS2-1e "helmet" in detecting, accompanied and "capture" the prospective samples of high-precision weapons developed by these corporations in a complex interference.

In particular, despite the impossibility of the full seizure of the source code of the Iron-C1E armament system, the AFRL laboratory specialists, as well as the Raytheon military-industrial corporations will still be able to access the row of critical tactical and technical parameters of SPR 96k6e, which have the maximum similarity With the parameters of the regular modification of the Panciri-C1, intended for the CVC of Russia.

First of all, we are talking about obtaining data on the level of noise immunity of the receiving paths of the centimeter radar detector based on the PFAR 1RS1-E (functions in the X-range), as well as the Millimeter-centimeter RLS of the accompaniment of goals and the guidance of Zur 1RS2-1e "helmet" (functions In X / KU-bands) under conditions of noise effect on the part of the promising container complex EN / ALQ-249 (V) 3 NGJ-HB ("Next Generation Jammer - High Band") Increment 3 operating in the frequency range from 6 to 18 GHz (G, H, X and J-RAMs of centimeter waves) and capable of forming a powerful and narrow (about 0.5 - 1 degrees) noise ray due to the presence of Afar-emitters based on nitride-gallium microwave transistors.

The definition of this parameter will be possible as in the internal tests of the AN / ALQ-249 NGJ-HB Increment 3 complex against Radar Modules "Panciri-C1E", when AFLR specialists, speaking as a combat calculation of the "trophy" CRPC 96k6e, will attempt the "strings of trails »Air targets on the background of radiation from An / Alq-246 (method of selection of a target marker on the background of the interference background) and during the software and hardware definition of the discharge of phase beadors of the receiving and transmitting modules of the radar" helmet ", the level of its side lobes, as well as Middle and peak power of the microwave generator (magnetron or clip), powered by a transmitting array of receiving-transmitting modules. As is known, in radar technology, the growth of the lateral petals of the antenna canvas of the FFAR / AFAR Radar is directly propagated by a decrease in its noise immunity, while the data on the peak power of the microwave generator will provide American experts with the possibility of accurate calculation of the energy potential of the radar radar helmet, and hence the landing distance of the target with a particular effectful reflective surface (EP / EPR).

Comment: Sketchy image of the element base of the American perspective container complex of radio-electronic countering AN / ALQ-249 (V) 3 NGJ-HB Increment 3. Aerodynamic layout, a turbogenerator of the incident air flow (power consumer), as well as Afar-emitters of "interference rays"

Based on the obtained data, Raytheon Corporation's experts will be able to simulate and download the US Air Force Supplies to the BTBM NGJ-HB Air Force Complexing the Radilar Pancire-C1 Guidance Subsystem with flexible amplitude-frequency parameters, Secondly, in advance to record the maximum allowable EPR for the now developed prospective means of air-space attack (sampling and their supersonic / hypersonic planning combat units, anticipatic and anti-develop missiles, as well as multipurpose tactical missiles and managed reactive shells).

Secondly, AFRL employees get access to the elemental basis of the multispectral optical-electronic complex of the 10EX1-E. The structural features of the optical components of the optical electronic complex (the optical zoom range / zoom, aperture, luminosize, etc. will be determined. TV / IR modules), and the type, geometric parameters and the resolution of its matrix photodetectors. Based on this data, it will be possible to determine the maximum efficient range of heat-contrast targets with different infrared signature in various meteorological conditions.

Thirdly, in the case of preservation in the "trophy" "Panciro-C1E" ammunition, even a single zur-interceptor 57E6E, the staff of the AFRL laboratory and specialists of key American military-industrial corporations will be given the possibility of evaluating the technical qualities of its second / combat steps (angular velocity Running, the range of maximum angle of attack at different speeds, specific impulse of traction, etc.). So, pushing out the above parameters, specialists of the Raytheon Corporation can make significant adjustments to the programming process of inertial navigation systems of promising operational-tactical ballistic missiles "Deep Strike" (today, prototypes are in the stage of flight tests - in step from gaining operational Boot readiness and starts of large-scale production), loading the algorithm for the implementation of more intense anti-transparent maneuvers with overloads 25 - 30G into the list of flight modes of "Deep Strike".

No less weighty list of consequences and the access of our overseas "colleagues" from the AFLR laboratory to the program principles of coding and the frequency parameters of the radiocomand channel of zur 57E6E, the laser response channel (placed in the tail part of the Zur 57E6E, and the protected exchange radio channels Information on the tactical air situation between the batteries 96k6e in the battery / division / mixed anti-aircraft missile brigade (including the designerization and receipt of target designation from third-party radar and optical electronic intelligence.) All of these factors should be taken into account (with appropriate processing and / or reprogramming of nodes, as well as the modernization of Zur-Interceptor) by specialists of the Tula CBP, as well as the NPO "Phazatron" (developer of the radar "helmet") during the further serial production of the late version of the complex - "Pentesier-C1M" and the improvement of the perspective PCPC "Poles-C2".

Comment: Perspective onboard radar complex "Zhuk-Ame", presented by Afar based on microwave transistors obtained by low-temperature ceramics jointly burned. These low-noise microwave transistors are capable of functioning in higher-energy modes that provide radar significantly greater detection range and capture on "accurate auto driving" targets with small EPR. In the foreseeable future, RLS with this type of AFAR can be integrated into the system of armament management complexes "Pole-C1M / 2".

Speech can go both about equipping "Pancire-C1M / 2" higher-highly energy and noise-protective radar with active phased or digital antenna lattices (AFAR / CAR) based on highly discharged phase beams / digital-analog converters (manufactured by low-temperature leaned ceramics LTCC), so and on the design of a dilated modification of the anti-aircraft missile 57E6 / E, the combat stage-interceptor of which will be equipped with a gas-jet system of deviation of the thrust vector (similar to that of the anti-aircraft controlled rocket 9M317A of the beech-m3 anti-aircraft missile complex) for the sale of mannerers with overloads 55 - 65 units.

Meanwhile, today the batteries and divisions of the Pancire-C1 systems continue to brilliantly carry out the spectrum of tasks on the construction of zonal-object anti-missile "umbrellas" over the strategically important objects of the Armed Forces of Russia both on the territory of our state and in our territory - Sunny. The recent successful reflection of the rocket-artillery strike from the rocket divisions of the Tahrir Ash-Sham to the Rocket and Artillery Strike, and the Khmeimim Air Force, as well as the successful interception of conditioned shock-intelligence UGS opponents in Russia's airspace over the territory of the Republic of Crimea, Implemented in the framework of the teachings of anti-aircraft missile regiments of the Black Sea Fleet of the Navy of Russia.

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