10 New Year family traditions that can be started this year

10 New Year family traditions that can be started this year 12595_1

Interesting customs for you and your children

If you have to create a festive atmosphere to create a festive atmosphere and prepare letters, then try to start new family traditions. All of them are very simple, but like children. Yes, and your December thanks to these traditions will be more fun.

Make house photos

Family photo shoots for a holiday generally a good tradition. But if you can't get together with your family for shooting, a home photowon will help you to make a bunch of cool photos.

For her, you just need to find a little loose place in the house. Hang on the walls of posters, tinsel, rain and garlands. Next to fold all the funny costume elements: carnival hats, clown noses, bright wigs (the cheapest fit, it's just a home shooting) and so on. Install the camera or an excess phone on the tripod. And that's it. You can take pictures of the whole December, and on the festive night. Let the snapshots are not professional, but diverse and cheerful.

Dress up in New Year's pajamas

Yes, choose red overalls with deer, snowmen and Santa Claus is easier for a child, but you can find such pajamas for adults. Or immediately buy a set of identical pajamas for the whole family.

If you spend the New Year's Eve at home, it is not necessary to dress up at all. You can just arrange a cute and simple holiday. Wear pajamas, take bowls with cookies and salads and sit so right in front of a TV or computer to watch cartoons.

Distribute old things

Many love (yes - yes, it is loved) at the end of the year to arrange general cleaning at home. It seems to be a parsing of things help recall the past and prepare for the future. Maybe someone really feels the therapeutic effect of cleaning, but it's accurately helps to get rid of the rubble and dust collectors. And you can also find houses not trash, but quite good things, just unnecessary to you (if you did not remember them for more than two years, then they are definitely unnecessary).

Do not throw away these things, and make a good deed and give them to those in need or processed. For example, in Moscow, Kazan, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Rostov there are shopping stores. They can bring old clothes, shoes and accessories. Things will be sold (money will be sent to charity) will give in need or ship for processing.

You can simply google "where to pass old things" and the name of your city. You will be surprised how many reception items will find.

Write listings of plans and wishes

If you compose such lists with a small child, you can not write them, but stick to the sheet, for example, the characters in which you want to visit (picture of the Eiffel Tower for Paris and everything in such a spirit). You can come up with serious plans together (all the same trips or large purchases) or some simple and fun (eat in the summer as much as possible ice cream, every month is reviewed for one favorite cartoon).

Bake cookies

Sweep dust from the grandmother's book of recipes and run behind flour, sugar, butter and eggs. No such book? Anyway run, because the recipes of cookies are not a problem. We also have, by the way, are.

If you do not like to mess with the dough, you can buy ready. Even the oven do not want? Still do not rush to go to the next item. You can take ready-made cookies (no one condemns anyone), ready to glaze in tubes and decorate her cookie.

Prepare dishes with surprises

Prepare dumplings with different surprises - a famous tradition. In one of the dumplings, for example, a coin. The one who will fall, waiting for a happy year. Or hike to the dentist. In general, in children's dishes do not put coins, but to hide the nut or dried cherry in the cake is quite possible. And if you want to be happy for everyone, then lay more surprises.

Put at home play

Children, after all, adore New Year's performances. No matinee in kindergarten and school in no way, but you can arrange a performance and at home. It will like it even more, because he will be able to choose his favorite fairy tale to produce any stress if a replica will forget.

You can still make a mini-performance. Not in the sense of short, but in the sense using finger dolls or figures. There are even such books that, in addition to the texts of fairy tales, embedded decorations and figures. They need to cut, collect and arrange a production right on a written or kitchenette.

Buy or make christmas toys with a symbol of the year

If you do not want to save a bunch of balls and figures (they are sooner or later, it will stop being placed on the Christmas tree), you can make toys from felt yourself and then give them. Even if you never sewed, then you will get with the child to make such a simple cow. We need only white, black and pink or beige felt. You can take other colors, the cows are different. Even violet.

Cut from white felt two oval, stitch them between themselves at the edges. Top sewing small ovals-ears, triangle-horns, and ahead of the spots and face. Eyes, nostrils and mouth can be embroidered or drawing a felt-tip. It will only be left to sew a ribbon on top and hang a toy on the Christmas tree.

After the feast, play holiday games

Come up with something on the go (arrange the contest of parodies, compose together poems on the topic of the holiday) or prepare in advance and, for example, buy a board game. You don't need something complicated with a plot and a bunch of rules, but "crocodile" is perfect. There is even a New Year version of the game.

Or you can perform different tasks (sing songs, depict characters and so on). Come up with your tasks or buy cards with ready. And here we have an overview of the tank on the New Year's theme.

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