Billy Alish about the dangers for his health from weight loss tablets


Billy Alish about the dangers for his health from weight loss tablets 12582_1
Billy Alish about the dangers for his health from weight loss tablets

World celebrities in pursuit of beauty and perfect weight are resorted not only to the help of nutritionists, plastic surgeons and sports coaches, but also use dubious drugs designed to reduce extra pounds, but often such experiments are turned off causing harm to their own health.

Million cumin is extremely important to look in the public ideal, and the excess weight of people in modern society is not always perceived with understanding. This is especially true of famous personalities who are constantly in the area of ​​attention from fans and journalists. The PEOPLE edition appeared an article with the revelations of the 18-year-old singer Billy Alish, in which she tells about his experience in overweight.

The singer noted that in childhood he often faced not understanding from the outside. Alish is constantly trying to lose weight, she was dancing, wanting to build a dancer's career, but then the extra weight did not allow her to achieve his goals. She decided to test the pills for weight loss, the manufacturers of which promised to save quickly from unnecessary kilograms, but Billy did not suspect the harm for health that it inflicts when using a dubious drug.

The celebrity decided not to hide all the details of his experiments when weight loss. The girl said that after reception she had night incontinence. Enuresis was caused by a slimming preparation, after which Billy decided to abandon this fund.

Last year, journalists managed to take a picture of the singer in shorts and a tightly tie, after which Alish was encountered with criticism of people about their appearance and an inappropriate figure. But she answered all the accusations of Heyters, saying the following:

"It seems, now my figure takes me less than everyone else. Three years ago, I would react to all this very differently. Now I am much better mental form than before. And then I just stop there, as I did it before ... "

At the end of the interview, the singer added that she could calmly talk about her figure or complexes, but she did not want to spread about his personal life, so she asked fans and paparazzi not to ask such issues. But still added that now she is not found with anyone, but it would be nice to meet a "relative soul".

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