Kiev tightens troops to Donbass


Kiev tightens troops to Donbass 12576_1
Kiev tightens troops to Donbass

The truce of Ukraine, DPR and LNR threatens to break. This is evidenced by the aggressive escalation of the conflict from the Ukrainian side. At the moment, in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, they are confident that Kiev is preparing for a large-scale offensive: this is evidenced by the fact that new troops appeared at the contact of the contact, the shellings were intensified by the front line, and recently a law was published on the appeal of persons in reserve .

The last time a large military operation in the Donbas was held in 2015. Ukraine realized that it was easy to defeat the enemy would not work, after which the war flowed into the positional phase.

Nevertheless, Kiev never stopped filling the trenches: every day, people who are accustomed to the sounds of shots are in Donbass.

But for the last week, the intention of Ukraine to resume a major offensive was obvious: Leninsky village was subjected to a mass shelling on the night of Tuesday. In total, it was dropped over a hundred mines, but, according to journalists, no one was injured.

From the LDP reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine tighten the troops to the village of Orekhovo - a large military equipment is moved there.

Daniel Webnessov, the official representative of the DNR, noted that Ukraine tries to move the troops in the dark time, secretly. For three nights, the WU pledged through the settlement of Konstantinovka six compositions (tanks and artillery).

Ruslan Khomchak, who occupies the post of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, only confirmed the worst concerns of the DPR and LNR, saying that the Ukrainian army practices military operations on the urbanized terrain. In his speech, the Ukrainian commander did not specify, about which settlements we are talking about, but with the displacement of the Ukrainian troops, the conclusion is obvious.

The law on bringing to the military service of persons in reserve is another confirmation of the intentions of the Ukrainian armed forces. The bill, which is now accepted by the Verkhovna Rada, will allow to mobilize the reserve as soon as possible.

Indirectly confirms the intention of Kiev and the active cover of the media, adhered to opposition views: the population of Ukraine against the war, exhausted him over the past seven years.

Perhaps, the victory in the war imposes hope and president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, whose rating was rapidly falling over the age of one and a half years.

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