In WHO, they suggested that the pandemic will end in 2022


In WHO, they suggested that the pandemic will end in 2022 12570_1
In WHO, they suggested that the pandemic will end in 2022

Representatives of the World Health Organization recently returned from the Uhanny, where they tried to find traces of artificial origin of the virus, but did not find facts that would prove it. After the application for the impossibility of continuing the investigation, a new statement was followed, which concerns the possible deadlines for the end of the coronavirus epidemic.

At the moment, 112,314,555 cases of COVID-19 infection around the world are registered. Since the beginning of 2021, the number of infected became rapidly decryption, but a number of scientists suggest that the third wave of the epidemic can begin at the end of March or early April of the current year, so it is too early to talk about the completion of the global epidemic.

WHO experts analyzed data on the number of increments to the overall statistics of COVID-19 infections and concluded that at the beginning of 2022, the epidemic if it would not end, it could be recession. The reason for this can be massive vaccination in most countries, but so far there are no preparations of this type on all wishes.

Hans Klag stated that some restrictive measures would not be, but there is a possibility of preserving the most effective measures. As for the mandatory mask regime in most countries, the head of the European Branch of WHO noted that this decision lies on the chapters of countries and proceeds from the situation in the number of daily infections and other factors that affect the situation with the virus epidemic in a particular country.

Moreover, while there are concerns about the appearance of future virus mutations, because Some representatives of the scientific world believe that some of the strains will have significant resistance to existing vaccines, so drugs may be ineffective, but so far there are no such prerequisites.

In WHO stated that they observe a significant reduction in the number of sixth weeks infected. If the situation continues in this direction, in the middle of the spring, many countries can open borders, but this may cause a slight increase in the identified cases of infection, because The virus will again begin spread with tourists.

At the moment it is difficult to judge the conclusions of the WHO regarding the deadlines of the end of the pandemic. Many experts agree with this who pay attention to the unpredictability of COVID-19.

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