Top 4 most common myths about lichens


    Lichens are particularly interesting organisms, but it does not make a reason to simply study them - fruit trees are subject to immediate deliverance from the unsolicited "neighbor."

    Top 4 most common myths about lichens 1256_1
    Top 4 most common myths about lichens Maria Verbilkova

    Lichen. (Photo used by standard license ©

    A lichen is a symbiosis of mushroom and algae, profitable for both sides.

    They meet on all continents of the Earth, can live in the esstorm conditions of Antarctica, withstand two weeks outside the earth's atmosphere. Easy to settle on the stones, concrete, trees.

    What influence is lichens for garden trees?

    Consider the four main myths regarding lichens, in which some people believe.

    Since lichens are not parasites, there is no direct negative impact on the tree. However, the spectrum of indirect problems is quite wide:

    • An obstacle to the circulation of moisture, air, the lack of lighting - branches do not get the conditions necessary for living and dry;
    • If the lichen is much, water is delayed under it, which can lead to the reproduction of pathogenic organisms and tree diseases;
    • in highlights can hide harmful insects;
    • If you find a lichen on ramifications, dust and organic gather there, which can cause infection with fungi.

    It is necessary to act more gently: to treat the affected seats with a solution of iron mood in an amount of 250 g per 10 liters of water. It is better to work in warm and crude weather, bedding under the tree film to protect the soil from the disposal dispute dispute.

    Unfortunately, even young trees are not insured against the defeat, but cause the appearance of an unborn "tenant" pests and diseases attacking wood.

    To prevent the infection, it is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the tree, the treatment and prevention of diseases in a timely manner, to destroy harmful insects.

    Top 4 most common myths about lichens 1256_2
    Top 4 most common myths about lichens Maria Verbilkova

    Processing from pests. (Photo used by standard license ©

    It is true only for several of the 26,000 known science of species. The vast majority of varieties are capable of living in conditions of very strong pollution, so do not think about the indication of clean nature, it is better to immediately take the treatment of a tree.

    • Some of the chemicals released by lichens are natural antibiotics, which are destructive effect on harmful microorganisms.
    • Lichens and for humans are useful - in the Middle Ages they were used to treat lung diseases. Nowadays, the symbiosis of the fungus and algae is used in medicines for the treatment of skin diseases, from cough, etc.
    • Lichens found use in agriculture as animal feed, in the chemical industry - for the production of paints.

    It is impossible to talk about lichens uniquely negatively - this is an important element of the ecosystem and a person useful to humans. But in the case of infection of garden trees, it is worth hurry with treatment to avoid serious problems.

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