Where did the famous Lion's Cap Yashin?

Where did the famous Lion's Cap Yashin? 12552_1
Where did the famous Lion's Cap Yashin? Eric

After the publication of the article about Lion, Yashin called me one friend and asked why I did not write anything about the talismans attributes of a great football player - about his black sweater and about his famous cap, in which he invariably went to all matches. Where did they go?

I repent that I did not write. Missed attention. Therefore, in this short note, I will tell you about the sweater and the lion cap Yashin.

First, the sweater in Yashin was never black. It was dark blue. But then the color photo and the film was considered a rarity, so broadcasts and photos with matches in the overwhelming majority were made black and white. Yes, and fans on the stands were made to seemed that the sweater had a pure black color. Hence the nicknames: "Black Panther", "Black Spider" and "Black Octopus".

In general, then all goalkeepers wore the shape of a dark color to differ from other players on the field. It is now with the advent of new artificial fabrics, they felt in multicolored form, and on each game in different ways. And then the football fields were from natural grass, and, it means dirty. Especially in summer and autumn. And on dark form dirt is not as noticeable. His sweater Yashin changed only a few times for the entire sports career - she stopped until he was rubbed to the holes.

"When he brought home his shape, the whole bathroom became black and filled with sawdust - then the goalkeepers sprinkled them, so that goalkeepers did not fall into a slush," recalls the spouse of Valentina Yashin's goalkeeper. He did not change the sweater even in warm weather.

"He did not give it to him," Valentina explained. - And he always wore Stegian sports panties with lining. He was angry with his colleagues who did not do that. "I explain to you," he used to say, "it is impossible to play without them. You can damage the hip. The bruises are guaranteed to you, the muscles will be overwhelmed, and the next time you will not want to fall from fear. And how can you play in the gate, if you are canting? "

Where did the famous Lion's Cap Yashin? Eric

As for the famous cap, Yashin really really treasured her. The cap was presented in 1953 after Dynamo Tourfal Tour. Then many goalkeepers performed in such hats - the cap protected from the heat, cold and rain, and the visor was protected from a blinding sunlight. But for Yashin, this cap became a kind of happy talisman - he went out on the field only in her. Over time, when the cap fused and rubbed from numerous styrices and ceased to be a full-fledged headdress, Yashin did not throw it out. "Magic" cap he wore on all the games and imperceptibly put it in the gate - for good luck. Well, what can you do, athletes are a very superstitious people. Forgive the idols of their little weaknesses.

Several times "Magic Cap" Yashin tried to steal fans. Surely not with evil intent, but as a memory of a great football player. The first time it happened in French Marseille. In the semifinals of Euro-1960, the Soviet team literally broke the Czechoslovaks with a score of 3-0. The admired crowd of fans, breaking through the police officer, poured on the field to congratulate our football players. Lion Yashin raised and began to swing. Only due to the termination of the local police officers, the whole form was almost angry with souvenirs. But someone had time to pull the cap. Yashin applied to find his cherished talisman to the nearest Casting of the order. He nodded his head and disappeared into the crowd.

But the football player himself did not really believe that they would find a loss. Upset went into the locker room.

"I sit and slightly crying. Final play, and I have a single spare cap on my sin. The doctor runs up, Nikolai Nikolayevich Alekseev. What, asks, leva, injury? And there is a door, and a familiar policeman is included in the dressing room. In his hands - imagine? - My precious cap. I, in my joy, in my opinion, for the entire police of Marseille autographs, I was planned. " (From the memories of Leo Yashin).

But for a short time "Magic Cap" was traveled by Yashin. At the next final game with Yugoslav, she was dragged again. Yashin, as always, put it in the gate. After the whistle, the fans were rushed on the field, and again someone grabbed the cap for memory. The goalkeeper looked around, but her no longer. And although the disappearance was announced on the radio and promised in return for the Yashinsky sweater, she never found. But the Capka-Talisman was fulfilled his work - the final ended in our favor, and the USSR national team became European champion. The first and, unfortunately, the only time. And the miracle cap was never found. And where this old one is, the wasara-reconnected Lion Cap Yashin is unknown.

In conclusion, I will tell you another superstition of Soviet football players of those times. Yashin loved fishing very much. Wherever I went, always tried to find out the place where you can go fishing. The worms and milders usually collected on the garbage, which was near his cottage. The caught fish fry himself, and the ear did not really love. Soccerists "Dynamo" eventually appeared signs - if Yashin successfully grew, then the upcoming game will also be very successful.

He loved Yashin and a quick ride on his "Volga". Fortunately, traffic cops, who stopped him for exceeding speed, learning and taking an autograph, gave idols. But once Yashin ran into a policeman who, with the words "I am sick for" Spartak ", maliciously struck him a hole in the coupon.

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