Sergey Morozov discussed with developers and supervisory authorities to protect the rights of Nizhny Novgorod Dolkov

Sergey Morozov discussed with developers and supervisory authorities to protect the rights of Nizhny Novgorod Dolkov 12546_1

The Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Sergey Morozov, held a meeting on the completion of the construction of apartment buildings in the region, the construction of which is conducted with a violation of the provision of commissioning and restoring the rights of citizens - participants in equity construction, the press service of the head of the region and regional government.

The meeting was attended by representatives of developers, the Ministry of Construction and Inspectorate of the State Construction Supervision of the region, as well as representatives of the regional prosecutor's office, regional economic security departing and countering corruption of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

During the meeting, issues of completion of the construction of apartment buildings of developers LLC "Autoinvest" (LCD Salute, Dzerzhinsk), SMU-2 LLC Invest (House No. 12, Kirov Street in Dzerzhinsk), Univen - NN LLC (House No. 4 on Archengelskaya Street in Nizhny Novgorod).

"These three houses already correspond to the criterion of the" problem "object in connection with the violation of the developer of the transfer of apartments. They can be included in a single register of problem objects. At the same time, today, after the work with the developer, the construction of a residential complex "Salyut" in Dzerzhinsk resumed, the sources of financing the developer has looked. We keep the situation on the control and have already sent relevant information on these objects in Minstroy the Russian Federation, "said Sergey Morozov.

According to the submitted calendar plan, the completion of the construction of the facility is planned until the end of May 2021, whereas the initial entry of the object was scheduled for the first quarter of 2018.

As Sergey Morozov noted, developers of LLC "Universe NN" and LLC "SMU-2 INVEST" proposed to settle the relationship with the shareholders by terminating contracts and return funds. In both objects, construction is not conducted.

Also, during the meeting, the issue of restoring citizens' rights was considered - participants in the equity construction of the apartment building of the developer of Dynasty LLC, which in October last year is recognized as bankrupt. This is a "problem" house, the work of which is leading the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region in conjunction with the Federal Fund for the Protection of Rightpinger Rights. The competitive manager of Dynasty LLC has revealed property, with the implementation of which funds will be enough to return them to the shareholders. This will allow for a shorter time to restore the rights of victims of citizens.

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