Top 7 best gifts on March 8


Choose a gift for March 8 for many quite problematic lesson. Therefore, we decided to offer several excellent options at once, which will use autoled. Budget is different.

  • Smart thermos (500-2000 rubles). Suitable as a present and good will look with a bouquet of flowers. And the main thing is not just a bottle for water, but a "smart" thing. Such a thermos comes with a thermal sensor and a screen that shows the temperature of the drink. Looks like a thing nice. Price - from 500 rubles on Aliexpress, in our stores up to 2000 (and sometimes more).
  • Stylish trunk bags (1300-2500 rubles). Especially useful such a gift of active auto chairman and vehicle. Such bags have many necessary pockets, they can be securely secured in the trunk. Aliexpress to help "Box to store the trunk of the car of the highest grade."
  • Hair dryer for cars (700-2000 rubles). Yes, men, women paint nails in a car, make makeup, why not dry your hair. This thing can come in handy and those who love to travel by car. You can buy a small hairdryer, which works directly from the cigarette lighter. Price 700-2000 rubles.
  • Help on the road (4000-10 000 rubles). Usually such a card "squeeze" dealers. But she really can come in handy autlede: if the gasoline ended, there was a breakdown or descended the wheel, the rescuers will arrive and solve the problem. The range of services can be expanded and adding a tow truck, counseling of a lawyer, opening the car at the loss of keys and so on.
  • Certificates for driving courses, kart school (4000-150 000 rubles). Just a great reason to pull the skill. Even men, we think, would not give up from extreme driving courses. It all depends on the budget. You can order a one-time lesson or take a full course.
  • Video recorder (900-7000 rubles). If it is not yet, it's time to buy. Only one whose wires do not hang. The simplest stands within 1000 (with wires), but the picture will not be very good.
  • Car (400,000 - xxx 000 000 rubles). If your finances allow, why not make such a gift for March 8, and the dealers are certainly given to the holiday. For example, Kia Picanto can be bought from 820 thousand rubles, and with a mileage for 400-600 thousand.
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