"What strange things, we are chatting in Russia!" - Quotes of Vladimir Vysotsky past through time


Literally recently stumbled upon the collection of quotes Vladimir Vysotsky from his songs and life, many of which even after half a century did not lose their relevance. I have a hurry to share with you.

And us although the shootings did not mow, but we lived to raise no daring eye, - we are also children of terrible years of Russia, lack of blurred vodka in us.
But even the bright minds are all placed between the lines: they have a calculation for a long time.
Several times I was already buried, I left several times, it was sending several times, and such a duration that another hundred years need to live. One girl from Novosibirsk asked me: "True, what did you die?" I say: "I do not know."
We are always replaced by others so that we do not interfere with the lies.
There is no sense from thoughts and sciences, when everywhere - the refutation.
If you turn away, it means insufficiently loved.
Clashanivities - however, like eyewitnesses - in all centuries, people burned in the fires.
I think - scientists altered, puncture in the theory, cut: development is not on the helix, and cut and so, rotate, inversely.
Rumors across Russia ridifiers and with a gossip in the defects sing. Well, somewhere next to them goes the truth to which they spit.
Our penetration on the planet is especially pleasant in the pan: there are inscriptions in the public Paris toilet in the public Parisian toilet.
There is no passage, and long ago, in the world from fucking. Scum and Seryos drink wine from strange glasses.
We learn much of the books, and the truths are transmitted to hersally: "the prophets are not in their fatherland," and in other Fatherland, it is not thick.
I have claims to the authorities of my country, but I will not decide them with you.
Whatever the road is, it is only important where it leads.
A song, in contrast to a person, you can extend your life. Songs are happier than the fate than people, because a good, worthy person worries a lot, nervous, worried about his loved ones and snaps earlier than bad. So it happened: always "the death of the best outlines and pulls one by one." But the bad person lives longer, because he is not spending a little ... And with the song, on the contrary, the song, if it is worth it, can live for a long time.

Posters used to concerts of Vladimir Vysotsky, created by the artist Mikhail Zlatkovsky.

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